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After the Golden Age by Alvin Schwartz
Giving a glimpse into the formative years of comics and beyond.

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AFTER THE GOLDEN AGE for 06/30/2003
Volume 2, #83

To All My Readers,

I'm in the midst of what I think is a most important column. It has to do with the aging of the populations in the western democracies, now reaching a point, especially in Europe, where providing pensions for the elderly means fewer and fewer young people to maintain the present level. It is happening in the US as well, but more slowly. In the end, there appear to be two possible solutions, a radical readjustment of the age when pensions begin, or the importation of more youth from developing countries with major changes in our culture as a result, or a vast increase in productivity resulting from certain changes in technology now on the near horizon. Note too that this decline in the number of youth, if unchecked, will also lead to a decline in the market for comics. In any case, these are questions of such importance that I hesitate to introduce them in a week broken by Independence Day in the US, and Canada day, earlier in the same week. And I have many Canadian readers. I think the whole world will be on the road, or going somewhere, anywhere but to their computers in the next 7 days. So I'm going to beg off and take time to consider this whole question of population aging further. Next week, when we're more settled down, I'll present my thoughts to you on this really mind-boggling matter.


<< 06/23/2003 | 06/30/2003 | 07/07/2003 >>

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