World Famous Comics . Anything Goes Trivia . Last Kiss Comics

Bob Rozakis' Anything Goes Trivia

Every day we'll have a new trivia contest question and a winner will be chosen from those with the correct answer. Winners accumulate points redeemable for comics-related prizes from BobRo's Cabinet of Goofy Stuff.

TRIVIA for 09/20/2024 -- Today!

FRI: Who is Hans' Katzenjammer partner?

Answer &
Email Email Required

For previous trivia answers and contest winners, join BobRo at The Official Tony Isabella Message Board.


MON: How about some "MO" trivia?

TUE: Fits to a "T"

WED: Dubya.

THU: THpeak with a liTHp?

FRI: FRee For All

SAT: SAy Something

SUN: The SUm of All Trivia

World Famous Comics . Anything Goes Trivia . Last Kiss Comics

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