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06/24/2008 Episode 463 - Indie Challenge for June: In this episode we take a look at the new Flash Gordon series and Victorian Horrors of Mauch Chunk. Plus, listener Coma Robot is on Zuda!
06/19/2008 Episode 462 - BOMC Encore - Fables Volumes 2 and 3: We're back with more coverage from one of our favorite series. It's been almost three years since we talked about Fables. It's way past time for some more discussion.
06/18/2008 Episode 461 - Heroes Con with Shelton Drum: Shelton Drum is the man behind Heroes Con, the best convention around. He check in with to find out what's going to be bigger and better about this year's event.
06/17/2008 Episode 460 - Listener Feedback: There would be no CGS if it wasn't for the audience. So we take some time to respond to your feedback.
06/16/2008 Episode 459 - A Comic Book Lover's Survey: Listener Geoff, Invader on the forums, posted 10 questions for comic geeks. In this episode we answered them. It's a nice long discussion.
06/12/2008 Episode 458 - John Workman's The Comic Book Crisis: 10 Years Later: Ten years ago the comic industry wasn't in such a great spot. John Workman wrote an article about it. In this episode we bring John on the show to talk about what has transpired in the last 10 years.
06/11/2008 Episode 457 - Superhero Fashion at the Met with Geoff Klock and Pete Coogan: Geoff and Peter join us to talk about an exciting event happening at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Geekdom has officially been accepted if we've made it to the Met.
06/10/2008 Episode 456 - The Return of Mike Norton: We haven't spoken to Mike in a while so it was time to get him back on the phone. Find out what Mike's up to and join us for some idle chit chat.
06/09/2008 Episode 455 - Secret Invasion 3: The action continues in Marvel's big summer event. In this episode we analyze every page and let you know what we think.
06/07/2008 Episode 454 - Previews: Get your wallet out, it's time to place your monthly order.
06/06/2008 Episode 453 - Final Crisis Issue 1: DC's big summer event has begun. It's written by Grant Morrison so you might need a little help. Peter and gang are here to walk you through it.
06/05/2008 Episode 452 - Wizard World Philly Recap: The next convention on our tour is over. Wizard World Philly has becoming less to talk about each year. We did our best. Also, another winner in the Mike Norton sketch contest.
06/03/2008 Episode 451 - BOMC Crying Freeman vol.1 It's Manga once again for Book of the Month Club and in this episode the Geeks discuss volume 1 of Crying Freeman by Kazuo Koike & Ryoichi Ikegami.
06/02/2008 Lem Tribute: Our good friend, Lem Fasnacht, has passed away. His store, Golden Eagle Comics, was our home for more than 20 years. It's time to pay our respects.
05/30/2008 Episode 450 - Live Call-In Show: It's another milestone, so we decided to do another live show. This time we streamed audio and video over Stickam, so most of the callers knew what was going on. It's a fun episode that we think you'll enjoy.
05/29/2008 Episode 449 - Uncle Sal and Cousin Buzz: Our two favorite guys have returned from Super Con and boy oh boy do they have some stories to tell.
05/28/2008 Episode 448 - This, That, and a Whole Lotta Other Stuff: In this episode we chit chat about all sorts of stuff, including a few Off the Racks.
05/27/2008 Episode 447 - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: The boys saw the film in glorious digital form and they are ready to discuss it. Join the fun.
05/26/2008 Episode 446 - The Best of Bryan Deemer: Bryan just celebrated his birthday! So here's a surprise episode of some of his best rants, funny moments and more! Smile, Bryan! You're on CGS!
05/23/2008 Episode 445 - Talking Iron Man with Tom Martinek: Tom works for ILM and he worked on the effects in the Iron Man movie. He joins us to discuss some behind-the-scenes info and give us the scoop.
05/22/2008 Episode 444 - A Conversation With Larry Marder: Larry Marder, creator of Bean World, joins us to talk about his comic, his days at Image, and his time as President of McFarlane Toys.
05/21/2008 Episode 443 - Listener Feedback: The show just wouldn't be the same without our awesome audience. We listen to some voicemails and have some fun random discussions.
05/20/2008 Episode 442 - May Indie Challenge: We talk about Antoine Sharp, Pistol Fist, and Titanium Rain. It's a good episode.
05/19/2008 Episode 441 - The Final Countdown: Sean and Jim from the Raging Bullets podcast join the CGS crew to discuss the last two months of DC's Countdown.
05/16/2008 Episode 440 - Songs in the Key of CGS: Presenting the greatest hits you were (and weren't) expecting. You won't believe your ears.
05/15/2008 Episode 439 - A Look at the Angel TV Series and Comics: Chris from Wild Pig Comics joins us to take an in-depth look at the Angel TV series as well as the new Angel comic series.
05/14/2008 Episode 438 - Off the Rack: In this episode we have some review discussions on Glamourpuss, Echo, and Rasl. The new wave of books from the independent old guard.
05/13/2008 Episode 437 - Iron Man Movie Review: We've all been to the theatre and we've all had our eyes pop out of our heads! Shell head is a success and we spend a good hour talking about it.
05/12/2008 Episode 436 - Secret Invasion Issue 2: Marvel's big summer event is back with issue two and so are we. Spoilers abound!
05/09/2008 CGS Presents: Kryptographik: Lobo and Lord Shaper have been mainstays on The Comic Forums for years. They have their own trans-continental podcast, Kryptographik, and it's been around for a year now. Check it out.
05/08/2008 Episode 435 - Call Me: FreakyTiki: In this episode we call CGS listener Tim, AKA FreakyTiki on the forums. We chat about all kinds of things comics. Don't miss it.
05/07/2008 Episode 434 - It Needs to Be Traded, Damn It!: There are so many great comics and not nearly enough of them are available in collected editions. In this episode we go through our want lists of trades we'd like to see.
05/06/2008 Episode 433 - A Look Ahead to the Bristol and Emeral City Comic Cons: In this episode we go across the pond to talk to Barry and Dave from the Geek Syndicate podcast to talk about the Bristol Con and then we talk to Jim Demonakos about the Emerald City Con.
05/05/2008 Episode 432 - Previews: Artist Steve Bryant joins us to go over this month's Previews catalogue.
05/01/2008 Episode 431 - Top 5 Cliffhangers: Listener Hassan joins us to discuss our top 5 cliffhangers in comics. Can you even remember any?
04/30/2008 Episode 430 - Book of the Month Club - Iron Man: Demon In a Bottle: Just in time for the Iron Man movie, we take a look at Shell Head's seminal story. Take a ride back to the 70s with us. We think you'll dig it.
04/29/2008 Episode 429 - Catching Our Breaths: It's been a very busy two weeks. With back-to-back conventions and daily recap shows, we're exhausted. But the show must go on! So we bring you some idle chit chat and emails and voicemails. It's a nice relaxing episode.
04/28/2008 Episode 428 - Pittsburgh Con: Day 3: It's our last day of con coverage. In this episode Peter talks to Michael Golden as well as a handful of other fine folks.
04/27/2008 Episode 427 - Pittsburgh Con: Day 2: More coverage from the Pittsburgh Comic Con. Floor interviews with Fist of Justice's Mike Imboden, the gang from Identity Comics, Ed Piskor and Pat Lewis, Chris Moreno, talking libraries and Afterlife's Stormcrowe Hayes.
04/26/2008 Episode 426 - Pittsburgh Con: Day 1: The booth is set up and ready to roll. Let the people in! It was a fun first day at the con. We snagged an interview with Aaron Douglas, who plays Chief on Battlestar Galactica. We also had a great meal at the Gypsy Cafe courtesy of Jim (Yoda Jones) Dietz. It was a great day.
04/24/2008 Episode 425 - On the Road to Pittsburgh: It's an action-packed episode. Driving, eating, time travel, and all-around silliness. This episode has it all.
04/23/2008 Episode 424 - Stumptown Comics Fest: Portland is having a convention this weekend and to help promote it, we talk to artists Tara McPherson and Raina Telgemeier
04/22/2008 Episode 423 - Spotlight on Superman in the Silver Age: Comic fan and Silver Age guru, Chuck Coletta, joins us to take a detailed look at Superman in the Silver Age. If you love Murd, you'll love this episode.
04/21/2008 Episode 422 - NYCC: Day 3: It's the last day of the con (sniff, sniff). Find out all the good stuff. We also talk to almost every person who is currently working for Top Cow just because we're crazy!
04/20/2008 Episode 421 - NYCC: Day 2: Our coverage of Saturday, the second day of the New York Comic Con.
04/19/2008 Episode 420 - Day 1 of the NYCC: The con has finally arrived and the first day is over. We are all over it.
Episode 419 - On the Way to NYCC: The excitement is building and we can't stand it. In this episode we talk from the car on the way to the New York Comic Con. Look out Big Apple, here we come.
04/18/2008 Episode 418 - Indie Challenge: Believe it or not! In this episode we talk to William Katt about his upcoming series, Sparks with writer Christopher Folina. We also talk with Brett Weldele of Straw Men and the creative team of A Dummy's Guide to Danger Vol. 2.
04/17/2008 Episode 417 - Off the Rack: Kingdom Come: The boys take a look at Kingdom Come and then talk about some 2000 AD comics they read.
04/16/2008 Episode 416 - Daniel Way: Writer Daniel Way returns to the show and he wants to answer your questions. Forums members posted questions for Daniel and all was good in the world.
04/15/2008 Episode 415 - Listener Feedback: Listener Wood joins us as we go through some emails and some voicemails. We also pick the first winner of a free Mike Norton sketch.
04/14/2008 Episode 414 - Top 25 Writers: Artist Randy Gentile joins us for a discussion of the forum members' selections for their top 25 writers. Much discussion ensues.
04/11/2008 Episode 413 - A Look Ahead to the Pittsburgh Comic Con: Black Shawn, white Shawn, and Chad join us to talk about the upcoming Pittsburgh Con. We also learn a little about the Toonseum. Pittsburgh is always one of our favorite shows and I'm sure this year will be no different.
04/10/2008 Episode 412 - Publisher Spotlight: Top Cow: You might not be reading any Top Cow books and you might not think you want to. But after listening to publisher Filip Sablik you might very well change your mind.
04/09/2008 Episode 411 - Superman on Trial: There have been some recent developments in the Superman ownership-rights trials and we are going to bring you the updates. Joining us are listeners Joe Sergi and Cory Strode to help us fill in the blanks on Superman's legal woes.
04/08/2008 Episode 410 - Previews: At this point, what more can I possibly say about our monthly look at the Previews catalogue?
04/07/2008 Episode 409 - Secret Invasion 1: Marvel's big event of the year has started so let's get right into it. Bendis has really kicked this thing into high gear, and the Marvel U may never be the same again. Find out what we think and what our theories are.
04/04/2008 Episode 408 - Off the Rack: Batman and the Outsiders: Peter and Bryan kick it old-school in this Off the Rack episode. Mike W. Barr and Jim Aparo know a little something about awesome comics and we let them teach us.
04/03/2008 Episode 407 - Comics In College - Center for Cartoon Studies: If you want to learn how to create comics professionally, there are schools that will teach you. The first place we check out is the Center for Cartoon Studies in Vermont. CGS listener Chuck Forsman is a student and he tells us all about the CCS.
04/02/2008 Episode 406 - New York Comic Con with Lance Fensterman: Lance is the man in charge of this year's New York Comic Con. He gives us the skinny on what to expect this year and what changes have been made. If you are planning on attending, you need to listen.
04/01/2008 Episode 405 - Book of the Month - Witchblade: Ron Marz joins us to discuss the first trade in a new direction for Witchblade. Top Cow lured us in by offering a 120-page, full-color trade for only $4.99. How can you pass that up?
03/31/2008 Episode 404 - Wildpig Sale Wrap-Up: Saturday was a beautiful day, and the discounts at Wildpig were just as beautiful. Hear all about our day of 50 percent savings.
03/28/2008 Episode 403 - Emails and Voicemails - It's time once again to hear from our listeners. They always know which buttons to push.
03/27/2008 Episode 402 - A Conversation with Fred Hembeck: Everybody loves a good Fred Hembeck cartoon. He's had a long and illustrious career poking fun at all the characters we love so much. Now get to meet the man behind those drawings.
03/26/2008 Episode 401 - Guardians of the Galaxy with Editor Bill Rosemann: Marvel Comics editor Bill Rosemann joins us to talk new cosmic excitement and the launch of Guardians of the Galaxy. We also get into some of his other editing duties including the Ultimate Universe.
03/25/2008 Episode 400 - Live Call In Show: For the first time ever we take calls from the audience while we record. It's a fun show and a great way to celebrate our 400th episode.
03/24/2008 Episode 399 - Image Comics Reunion Panel: At the San Diego Comic Con 2007, George Koury, author of Image Comics: The Road to Independence, hosted a panel that reunited the seven founding members of Image Comics. We are please to play that panel for you today.
03/21/2008 Episode 398 - Countdown Month 10: This month listener Matt "Darth" Kramer joins the crew to discuss the next four issues of Countdown.
03/20/2008 Episode 397 - Indie Challenge for March: With each new issue of Previews comes a new Indie Challange. This month we talk to the crew responsible for Ape's Kill the Revisionist and Radical's Hercules and Caliber.
03/19/2008 Episode 396 - Publisher Spotlight on Vertical Inc. and Checker Book: As we just keep learning, there is so much more out there other than Marvel and DC. Two publishers doing their part to print great comics are Vertical Inc. and Checker Book. Vertical focuses on bringing over the best in classic manga and Checker publishes awesome collections of both classic and modern gems.
03/18/2008 Episode 395 - Let's Talk Shop with Wild Pig Comics: Chris and Ryan get on the horn to talk about their ever changing store and running a modern shop. We also talk to David Gallaher, creator of the Zuda comic, High Moon.
03/17/2008 Episode 394 - Book of the Month Encore - Strangers in Paradise Volume 2: Terry Moore returns to discuss the second volume of the Pocket Books edition of Strangers in Paradise. We also talk about his new series Echo.
03/14/2008 Episode 393 - New Frontier DVD Review: DC continues their original animated feature DVDs with the release of Darwyn Cooke's Justice League: the New Frontier. The guys discuss their thoughts and opinions on this two disk set.
03/13/2008 Episode 392 - Previews: March. Previews. Lots of stuff. Need I say more?
03/12/2008 Episode 391 - Mega Con 2008 Wrap Up: The boys are back from their excursion to Orlando. It was more fun than it should have been! So hear all of our adventures, including foam sword fights, drunken celebrities, and topless fangirls.
03/11/2008 Episode 390 - Mega Con Travel Logs: With the iRiver in hand we dared to face the crowds at the airports and braved the Golden Corral. Listen to our snippets of sound from our Mega Con adventure.
03/10/2008 CGS Presents - Half Hour Wasted - Episode 50: Brad and Frank put on a great show and we think you should hear it. So check it out and let them know what you think.
03/07/2008 Episode 389 - Our 3rd Anniversary! Can you believe it? We've been podcasting for three whole years. In this episode we remember the early days and tell some stories from the past. We also discuss some of the things we have planned for the Super Show.
03/06/2008 Episode 388 - A Conversation with Katie Cook: We just met her for the first time at WonderCon, but she's already one of our favorites. After you hear this episode we're pretty sure she'll be one of yours' too. She's Katie Cook!
03/05/2008 Episode 387 - Off the Rack - Booster Gold: Fresh from 52, Booster Gold is the center of attention. The geeks have a good hearty discussion on Booster Gold issues 0-6. What makes this series a fanboy favorite?
03/04/2008 Episode 386 - Brian Miller: Comic color artist Brian Miller from Hi-Fi Design joins us to talk about his new instructional book, Hi-Fi Color for Comics. If you ever wanted to be a colorist, now's your chance.
03/03/2008 Episode 385 - MegaCon Interview Special: MegaCon is just a few days away. We're all very excited, so let's help build the anticipation with some interviews. We have Beth Widera, show organizer, Rich Bernatovich and Andrew Charipar, creators of Sentinals, Peter Mayhew, Chewbacca, Ninja Babes from Space, and Morry Hollowell.
02/29/2008 Episode 384 - Book of the Month - DMZ: There has been a great divide among the CGS crew over DMZ. Some love it, some, not so much. Listen in to hear all the ups and the downs of this Vertigo offering.
02/28/2008 Episode 383 - WonderCon Wrap-up and Let's Talk Shop w/ Coliseum of Comics: Bryan has made it back from San Francisco and has some great stories from WonderCon. We also talk to Phil Boyle about his chain of stores in Florida, Coliseum of Comics.
02/27/2008 Episode 382 - Cousin Buzz: The Burmese legend, Buzz, joins us for some nice, friendly chit chat. Who knows what will happen?
02/26/2008 Episode 381 - Listener Feedback: It's time once again for the audience to take center stage. We listen to voice mails and hear what you have to say.
02/25/2008 Episode 380 - Off the Rack - Thor 1-5: Thor recently came back from the dead and we're all very excited about it. J. Michael Straczynski and Olivier Coipel are firing on all cylinders and we sing their praises.
02/21/2008 Episode 379 - Spotlight on Superman in the Golden Age: Golden Age expert Bill Jourdain, host of the Golden Age of Comic Books podcast, joins us for a look at all things Superman in the Golden Age.
02/20/2008 Episode 378 - Contraband with writer Thomas Behe: The cell phones are everywhere! You can't hide from the tiny video cameras that are recording everything. It's Contraband, a new original graphic novel from Slave Labor Graphics. Writer Thomas Behe joins us to discuss his Orwellian saga.
02/19/2008 Episode 377 - Speed Racer with writer Arie Kaplan: As Speed makes his way to the theatre, his new comics are already on the shelf. Writer Arie Kaplan joins us to discuss his new book from IDW.
02/18/2008 Episode 376 - Book of the Month Encore - Cerebus - Melmoth: Dave Sim joins us once more so that we can discuss the next volume of Cerebus, Melmoth. We also get the scoop on Dave's newest endevour, Glamourpuss. Can you say "Alex Raymond?"
02/14/2008 Episode 375 - Indie Challenge: This month we talk about the new Wild Cards series, Bizarre New World, and Gnome. Plus with talk with listener Chris Murrin about the CGS anthology comic.
02/13/2008 Episode 374 - Uncle Sal: He's back just in time for Valentine's Day. Sal gives us an update on family life and the upcoming con season. It's a laugh a minute. Don't miss it.
02/12/2008 Episode 373 - Countdown Month 9: The Countdown discussion continues. Plus Pants brings in a whole ton of new 52 pages he received. Somebody stop this man!
02/11/2008 Episode 372 - Simone Bianchi: After several failed atempts, we finally get to talk to Italian artist Simone Bianchi. He's a true artist's artist and he never misses a deadline. What's not to love?
02/07/2008 Episode 371 - Top Five Comic Couples: With Valentine's Day just around the corner what better top five could we bring you than comic couples. Let the debate begin.
02/06/2008 Episode 370 - Previews: Get out your big fat catalogue and play along.
02/05/2008 Episode 369 - World of Toys - Kenner's Superpowers: Shane and Pants, along with special guest Bob Bretall, discuss Kenner's Superpowers line of toys. It's everything you ever wanted to know and more!
02/04/2008 Episode 368 - Best of 2007 Results: The results are in. Some categories had run-away winners and others were neck and neck. Find out who wears the crown.
02/01/2008 CGS Presents - Uncanny X-Cast 35: The Uncanny X-Cast is doing a wonderful job of serving the niche market of X-Men fans. If you fancy yourself an X geek, take a listen and enjoy.
01/31/2008 Episode 367 - CGS Debates: Stan Lee vs Jack Kirby: They are known in the comics world as perhaps the greatest creative team in history. But who is really responsible for what? We duke it out in this episode.
01/30/2008 Episode 366 - Comics Now! Magazine Feedback: The first issue has hit the stands and word is coming in from far and wide. We talk to some readers about what they thought and what we can do better.
01/29/2008 Episode 365 - Book of the Month - Buddha: This month it was time to visit the world of manga again. We did it in style this time and took a look at volume 1 of Osamu Tezuka's Buddha. Join us for some deep discussion and philosphical discourse.
01/28/2008 Episode 364 - A Conversation with Rick Remender Writer Rick Remender joins us to discuss his origin as well as what he's doing today.
01/25/2008 Episode 363 - Off the Racks: They guys read a bunch of comics. Now they talk about them. Easy enough.
01/24/2008 Episode 362 - Listener Feedback: We read through some emails, find out what's going on at the forums, and hear a voicemail or two. We also have a special convention announcement.
01/23/2008 Episode 361 - Special Report: One More Day/Brand New Day: The shake up in the world of Spider-Man is causing more uproar on the internet than Tom Cruise. Join us as we discuss the changes with Jim Salicrup, Vaneta Rogers, Tom Brevoort, and many more!
01/22/2008 Episode 360 - Annihilation Conquest: They guys take an in-depth look at the first half of Marvel's newest cosmic event. To the stars!
01/21/2008 Episode 359 - Comics Now! Magazine: The Geeks discuss the birth of their newest endeavour, Comics Now! Magazine. From its conception to the first issue shipping this week, find out all the details.
01/17/2008 Episode 358 - Countdown Month 8: The dissection of DC's weekly comic continues.
01/16/2008 Episode 357 - Best of 2007 - Part 2: The second part of our picks for the best of 2007.
01/15/2008 Episode 356 - Best of 2007 - Part 1 There were a lot of great comics that appeared in 2007 and we try to pick the best of them. In the first of two parts each geek makes their pick and the listeners get theirs as well.
01/14/2008 Episode 355 - Sergio Aragonés Today we are joined by arguably the best cartoonist to ever pick up a pencil, Mr. Sergio Aragonés. He's been in the business for over 45 years and he has a story or two to tell. So gather 'round the radio boys and girls and listen to one of the legends of comics.
01/10/2008 Episode 354 - Youngblood with Joe Casey and Derek Donovan: It's one of the most infamous comics of all time. It's Youngblood and it's back! But this time Rob Liefeld is taking a back seat and letting two very talented guys take the wheel. We speak with writer Joe Casey and artist Derek Donovan about their work on the new Youngblood comic.
01/09/2008 Episode 353 - Return of the Indie Challenge: This month we look at The Damned, Prodigal Son with Cullen Bunn, Nixon's Pal with Chris Burnham, and Comic Book Comics with Fred van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey.
01/08/2008 Episode 352 - Previews: Another month, another Previews. We go over our picks for the month.
01/07/2008 Episode 351 - Sinestro Corps War: They guys dig deep into DC's big event. They are joined by Green Lantern expert/mega-fan Adam Umak. No stone is left unturned.
01/02/2008 Episode 350 - Questions for the Geeks: As has been our tradition for a while now, we take some questions from the listeners and answer them openly and honestly. We have a lot of laughs and only a few punches are thrown.

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