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Comic Geek Speak
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In conjunction and with episodes at World Famous Comics from 2005-2008.

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COMIC GEEK SPEAK for 09/29/2005
Book of the Month Club - Episode 4

Fables Volume 1 - Legends in Exile

For our fourth book of the month we chose Vertigo's Fables Volume 1 - Legends in Exile by Bill Willingham and Lan Medina. Tune in for all the good, a little bad, and lots of discussion.

Uniting the World's Mightiest Heroes,
One Listener at a Time

Book of the Month Club - Episode 4

<< 09/28/2005 | 09/29/2005 | 10/03/2005 >>

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Recent Podcasts:
NEWESTEpisode 463 - Indie Challenge for June: In this episode we take a look at the new Flash Gordon series and Victorian Horrors of Mauch Chunk. Plus, listener Coma Robot is on Zuda! (06/24/2008)
06/19/2008Episode 462 - BOMC Encore - Fables Volumes 2 and 3: We're back with more coverage from one of our favorite series. It's been almost three years since we talked about Fables. It's way past time for some more discussion.
06/18/2008Episode 461 - Heroes Con with Shelton Drum: Shelton Drum is the man behind Heroes Con, the best convention around. He check in with to find out what's going to be bigger and better about this year's event.
06/17/2008Episode 460 - Listener Feedback: There would be no CGS if it wasn't for the audience. So we take some time to respond to your feedback.
06/16/2008Episode 459 - A Comic Book Lover's Survey: Listener Geoff, Invader on the forums, posted 10 questions for comic geeks. In this episode we answered them. It's a nice long discussion.
06/12/2008Episode 458 - John Workman's The Comic Book Crisis: 10 Years Later: Ten years ago the comic industry wasn't in such a great spot. John Workman wrote an article about it. In this episode we bring John on the show to talk about what has transpired in the last 10 years.
06/11/2008Episode 457 - Superhero Fashion at the Met with Geoff Klock and Pete Coogan: Geoff and Peter join us to talk about an exciting event happening at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Geekdom has officially been accepted if we've made it to the Met.
06/10/2008Episode 456 - The Return of Mike Norton: We haven't spoken to Mike in a while so it was time to get him back on the phone. Find out what Mike's up to and join us for some idle chit chat.
06/09/2008Episode 455 - Secret Invasion 3: The action continues in Marvel's big summer event. In this episode we analyze every page and let you know what we think.
06/07/2008Episode 454 - Previews: Get your wallet out, it's time to place your monthly order.
06/06/2008Episode 453 - Final Crisis Issue 1: DC's big summer event has begun. It's written by Grant Morrison so you might need a little help. Peter and gang are here to walk you through it.
06/05/2008Episode 452 - Wizard World Philly Recap: The next convention on our tour is over. Wizard World Philly has becoming less to talk about each year. We did our best. Also, another winner in the Mike Norton sketch contest.
06/03/2008Episode 451 - BOMC Crying Freeman vol.1 It's Manga once again for Book of the Month Club and in this episode the Geeks discuss volume 1 of Crying Freeman by Kazuo Koike & Ryoichi Ikegami.
06/02/2008Lem Tribute: Our good friend, Lem Fasnacht, has passed away. His store, Golden Eagle Comics, was our home for more than 20 years. It's time to pay our respects.
05/30/2008Episode 450 - Live Call-In Show: It's another milestone, so we decided to do another live show. This time we streamed audio and video over Stickam, so most of the callers knew what was going on. It's a fun episode that we think you'll enjoy.
05/29/2008Episode 449 - Uncle Sal and Cousin Buzz: Our two favorite guys have returned from Super Con and boy oh boy do they have some stories to tell.
05/28/2008Episode 448 - This, That, and a Whole Lotta Other Stuff: In this episode we chit chat about all sorts of stuff, including a few Off the Racks.
05/27/2008Episode 447 - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: The boys saw the film in glorious digital form and they are ready to discuss it. Join the fun.
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