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Thu, February 13, 2025

Anything Goes TriviaAnything Goes Trivia
Bob Rozakis

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World Famous Comics

ARCHIVE: Tony Isabella, best known as the creator of Black Lightning, DC Comics' first black super-hero, writes this popular Web column. Tony has worked as editor for both DC and Marvel after breaking into the business as Stan Lee's assistant. He has written characters like The Amazing Spider-Man, Avengers, Captain America, Daredevil, Doc Savage, Dracula, Elvira, Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, Green Arrow, Harlan Ellison's Dream Corridor, Hawkman, Incredible Hulk, Mickey Mouse, Star Trek, Star Wars, Superman and Tarzan.

The Law is a AssTHE LAW IS A ASS
ARCHIVE: Combining his experience as a public defender and a writer of comics, Bob Ingersoll analyzes how the law is portrayed in comics, and how the law of the real world would affect these stories. Bob is a senior attorney with the Cuyahoga County Public Defender Office in Cleveland, Ohio. Of course, his real love is comic books and he has written for "Mickey Mouse", "Donald Duck", "Lost in Space", "Green Hornet", "Star Trek", "Star Trek: The Next Generation", "Quantum Leap" and was the regular writer on "Hero Alliance".

Comics 101COMICS 101
ARCHIVE: Joe Corroney has been providing Lucasfilm with official Star Wars artwork for related books, games, comics, and magazines since 1997. Comic books he's illustrated include Crimson Dynamo for Marvel Comics, Star Wars: Empire for Dark Horse Comics, Green Lantern for DC Comics, Parts Unknown for Image, Blood and Roses for Blue Line Pro, and he's currently developing Death Avenger - his creator owned title for World Famous Comics. Joe teaches Comic Book Illustration at the Columbus College of Art and Design.

Baker's DozenBAKER'S DOZEN
ARCHIVE: A series of original short interviews with notable, rising or overlooked figures from comics or the larger entertainment field conducted by Bill Baker. It's a bit like listening in on a conversation between Bill and someone he thinks you should know more about.

ARCHIVE: Jon B. Knutson presents three or four comic book covers with a common theme and relates information about the comics, comments about the covers themselves or provides some kind of related anecdote! Also, Jon will post a special column featuring "Comics They Never Made," which will feature comic book covers he's created for properties that, strangely enough (or not so strangely), were never licensed for comic books!

After the Golden AgeAFTER THE GOLDEN AGE
ARCHIVE: Giving a glimpse into the formative years of comics and beyond, this column offers a perspective that only one of the oldest living writers of Golden Age comics could. While Alvin Schwartz is best known for his defining and extensive work on the Golden Age Superman (the first having Superman fly and creating Bizarro), he has also written stories for the Golden Age Batman, Captain Marvel, Flash, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman.

ARCHIVE: Abel G. Peña, best known for his Star Wars work for various Lucasfilm licensees, offers his thoughts on writing and publishing, and the various sources of entertainment that inspire his work. From comics to plays, film to Freud, metaphysics and epic poetry to S&M, Osama, and Family Guy, this party is worth crashing.

ARCHIVE: This is our exclusive column by Denny O'Neil. Often called a living legend, Denny prefers to think of himself as a working professional storyteller. As Batman editor and writer he put the "dark" in the Dark Knight and was the guiding force behind the Batman mythos for 15 years. A comics writer for over 30 years, Denny is best known for work on his creation Azrael as well as The Question, Green Lantern, Green Arrow and Superman.

COLUMNS >> Tony's Online Tips | Law is a Ass | Baker's Dozen | Cover Stories | After the Golden Age | Philodoxer | CyberDen
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