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CONTESTS >> Anything Goes Trivia

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Anything Goes TriviaAnything Goes Trivia
Bob Rozakis

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World Famous Comics

DAILY: Bob "Answer Man" Rozakis' Anything Goes Trivia, a World Famous Comics exclusive, is sending even die-hard comic fans scurrying into their collections to come up with the answers as winners accumulate points that can be redeemed for comics-related prizes. Bob Rozakis is best known as the DC Comics' former "Answer Man" has written stories featuring Superman, Batman and virtually every other DC character.


World Famous Comics UFO Hunters Art ContestUFO HUNTERS ART CONTEST
Ended 5/04/08: Incidents involving UFOs and extraterrestrial life have been reported throughout history. UFO Hunters, a new HD series on The History Channel, follows a group of experts as they subject some of history's most intriguing UFO accounts, and the evidence surrounding them, to exhaustive scrutiny in an effort to uncover the actual facts. To celebrate the debut of this new series we had an art contest with out of this world prizes provided by The History Channel.

Ended 9/14/06: Sideshow announced at this year's 2006 Comic-Con International a bunch of new Sideshow Marvel Collectibles! To celebrate the announcement of these high-quality figures, we had an art contest with a grand prize provided by Sideshow Collectibles! Check out our killer entries!

Who Wants to be a Superhero Art ContestWHO WANTS TO BE A SUPERHERO ART CONTEST
Ended 8/31/06: Sci-Fi Channel and legendary comic book creator Stan Lee presented a six-episode one-hour weekly reality series, Who Wants to be a Superhero?, that challenged a lucky few to create their very own superhero. To celebrate this new series and remind our site visitors to tune in, we had this art contest with a grand prize courtesy of the Sci-Fi Channel.

Ended 8/31/06: Psych continues USA's tradition of original scripted programming centering on quirky, intelligent characters, mixing comedy and crime. To celebrate this new series and remind our site visitors to tune in, we had this art contest with a grand prize courtesy of the USA Network.

Ended 6/30/06: Every night of June 2006, IFC plunged neck-deep into a dark world of sex, violence and paranoia with IFC Pulp Month. All films were uncut, uncensored and uninterrupted. To celebrate Pulp Month and remind our site visitors to tune in, we had this art contest with prizes courtesy of the IFC Network.

Samurai Art ContestSAMURAI 7 ART CONTEST
Ended 5/31/06: IFC introduced the Japanese anime series, Samurai 7, to US audiences with 26 mind-blowing episodes. Filmed with stunning production values, Samurai 7 is loyal to the plot and characters of Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai, but has a sci-fi twist. To celebrate Samurai 7's US premiere and remind our site visitors to tune in, we had an art contest with prizes provided by IFC.

Ended 1/31/06: To celebrate the New Year and hope for one hell of a 2006, we had this Hellboy themed art contest with the prizes provided by Sideshow Collectibles! Check out our winners!

Ended 1/23/06: The moment has come for all proud dog owners to show the digital world what their dog can do. Dog Show USA gives America's best friends the opportunity to take center stage in this first-ever, online-only dog show competition for mutts, purebreds and crossbreeds alike. To celebrate the launch of Dog Show USA, we had an art contest with prizes provided by NBC Universal.

Ended 1/6/06: Directed by Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller with special guest director Quentin Tarantino, the Sin City Recut & Extended DVD presents multiple versions of the film, as well as a host of bonus materials and extra features. To celebrate the release of this DVD, we had an art contest with prizes provided by Buena Vista Home Entertainment. Check out our entries!

Weird U.S. Art ContestWEIRD U.S. ART CONTEST
Ended 8/31/05: The new series Weird U.S. is a deliciously demented tour of offbeat American history. Hosts Mark Sceurman and Mark Moran scour the country in search of the bizarre, the unexplained, and the really strange historical stories. Some of the people and places they encounter are disturbing, others hilarious, but all are very weird. To celebrate the debut of this new series we had an art contest with prizes provided by The History Channel.

Rock & Rule Art ContestROCK & RULE ART CONTEST
Ended 7/10/05: In Rock & Rule, an aging superstar, Mok, plots to raise a demon and unleash its evil powers for his own diabolical ends. Rock & Rule was originally seen on HBO and Showtime, spawned videos appearing on MTV and USA and was adapted by Marvel Comics. To celebrate the DVD release of this acclaimed 80s animated feature, we had an art contest with prizes provided by Ventura Select/Unearthed Films.

Ended 6/30/05: Every night of June 2005, IFC presented a pulp indie classic - uncut and uncensored. Pulp Indies are those gritty, urban films that you know and love. To celebrate Pulp Month and remind our site visitors to tune in, we held an art contest with prizes courtesy of IFC. Take a look at our winners!

Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich Art ContestFREEDOM FORCE ART CONTEST
Ended 5/09/05: Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich brings dynamic storytelling, fast-paced tactical role-play, and larger-than-life characters from the comic book pages to the computer screen. To celebrate the release of this game we had an art contest with prizes provided by Irrational Games!

Franstenstein Mobster Made Man Art ContestMADE MAN ART CONTEST
Ended 1/31/05: To commemorate the publication of Mark Wheatley's massive new Frankenstein Mobster Made Man graphic novel and the release of the new Frankenstein Mobster sculpture by Shawn Nagle, we had an art contest with prizes sponsored by Image Comics, Insight Studios Group and Reelart Studios!

World Famous Comics' Terminator 3: The Redemption Art ContestTERMINATOR ART CONTEST
Ended 10/31/04: Terminator 3: The Redemption takes you for a thrill ride into the post-apocalyptic universe as you play the Terminator in high intensity vehicle combat and character based missions. To celebrate Atari's release of this game we asked our site visitors to create their idea of a Terminator comic book cover with our favorite illustrations winning prizes provided by Atari! Check out our entries!

World Famous Comics' Test Drive: Eve of Destruction Art ContestEVE OF DESTRUCTION ART CONTEST
Ended 9/30/04: Test Drive: Eve of Destruction features thrilling races and hair-raising crashes! To celebrate Atari's release of this video game, we asked you to sequence for us your idea of a devastating and destructive car crash as either a page from comic book, comic strip, or storyboard with two contestants each winning a prize package provided by Atari.

Ended 7/12/04: Dark Fury is an animated story that bridges the gap between Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick theatrical release. While this DVD features Peter Chung's stylized visual interpretation of anti-hero Riddick, we wanted to see our site visitors' interpretation! Contestants illustrated for us their best rendition of Riddick with the winners receiving prizes provided by Universal Studios! Take a look at our winners!

CONTESTS >> Anything Goes Trivia
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