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The Philodoxer
Thoughts on writing and publishing, and the various sources of entertainment...
A weekly column by Abel G. Peña, best known for his Star Wars work.

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THE PHILODOXER for 04/09/2006
Dear Tony: Sock Monkey Volume 3 and 4

Sock Monkey Volumes 3 and 4

Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 01:12:32
From: "Abel Peña"
Subject: Sock Monkey Volume 3 and 4
To: "Tony Millionaire"

Dear Tony Millionaire,

Hello, my name's Abel Peña, a fan of your Sock Monkey series, the comics more than the children's books. I met you once while you were signing books at my local comic shop here in Fullerton, California. I hardly expect you to remember me, but I brought up the fire theme that often appears in your work, if that helps.

A group of friends and I watched the movie Elektra tonight at the $1 movie theater. Though I often enjoy popcorn movie[s], I left the movie feeling frustrated that I've watched this movie hundreds of times before, same shit, same missed opportunities at something original. When I got home, I happened to spot my recently purchased copy of volumes three and four of Sock Monkey. It had been a while since I read some of your work, but immediately I felt relieved and inspired that someone out there was not only taking the chances at telling the kinds of stories that I would like to see, but also doing it very well, successfully producing the kinds of feelings in me that proper execution should. As usual, I was touched and repulsed by Uncle Gabby and Mr. Crow's adventures, the combination that has made me a fan of the series. Particularly moving was Uncle Gabby's failed suicide attempt, insofar as the traditional vein of the series, and then Uncle Gabby's "realistic" rampage in the final story of volume four. The offbeat comics interspliced between the pages of this and the previous trade paperback of Sock Monkey seem like the perfect foreshadowing for this monstrous version of Uncle Gabby's Pinocchio-like transformation, an explosion of the subconscious in the making for some time.

What a remarkable little volume, Tony. Thanks for helping to end the night right. Hope to meet again.

Abel G. Peña


Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 04:20:03
To: "Abel Peña"
From: "Tony Millionaire"
Subject: Thank you

Thank you Abel,

I'm forwarding your message to these Hollywood big shots I know who can't figure out how to write a Sock Monkey movie. Maybe your message gets to the point in a way that I can't when talking to them. Thank you.

Tony Millionaire
<< 04/02/2006 | 04/09/2006 | 04/16/2006 >>

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