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The Philodoxer
Thoughts on writing and publishing, and the various sources of entertainment...
A weekly column by Abel G. Peña, best known for his Star Wars work.

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THE PHILODOXER for 06/18/2006
Paper, Roaches, "The Mix," and Stones: The Art of Joint Rolling

Getting the mix right is half the art of joint-rolling. There's plenty of scope for choice but quantity is never a substitute for quality-don't waste your lungs on inferior ingredients. - From The Joint Rolling Handbook

Joint Rolling Handbook

Enter Richard Kemplay's The Joint Rolling Handbook.

Turn off that Half-Baked, Super Troopers, or Harold & Kumar DVD Monsieur Stoner, and do a little reading! The Joint Rolling Handbook explains how prepare a dozen different kinds of Js, from an easy-to-roll Knee Trembler, your traditional Saturday Night Special and a bluntastic Joker to plain wacky concoctions like the Diamond and the Windmill, and ultimately the worship-worthy cannabis cigar. With easy-to-follow instructions and simple illustrations ("Stick two papers together at a 45º angle as shown," "Carefully trim away any excess paper from all four joints, leaving the mix flush with the paper"), and sections titled, "Rolling," "The Mix," "Roaches," and "Paper," the book is full of lots of helpful info for newbies or hard core blazers who just want to get a kick out of how seriously you can talk about bud without sounding like a tool.

Also included is a nice little section on health, a description of what being high is like, short-term and long-term effects of getting fucked up, and consequences of getting caught, both legal and social.

Adios folks!

-- Abel

Abel G. Peña does not condone or encourage the illegal use of marijuana or any other controlled substance. That's what Amsterdam's for.

<< 06/11/2006 | 06/18/2006 | 06/25/2006 >>

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