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THE PHILODOXER for 08/20/2006
Snakes and Plain Audacity
There are a lot of good-lookin movies playing in theaters right now: World Trade Center, The Descent, Little Miss Sunshine, Factotum. Last night I decided to go with a sure thing and caught Snakes on a Plane.

Mayhem is the first word that comes to mind.
Allow me to confirm what most of you suspect but can't be sure of until you watch the movie: Snakes is positively as absurd as you expect. If you're into that sort of thing, and I certainly am, hand over your cash with abandon all ye who enter.
The flick effectively plays on the simplest human fears like, for instance, getting your wiener chomped on, making for a good romp. But as far as absurd movies go, Snakes doesn't have the It Factor. Sure, I laughed my ass off the whole way through, the CG is decent, and it's always enlightening to watch Sam Jackson do his Sam Jackson thing. But while the movie gets points for sheer audacity, like swallowing a Chihuahua whole and rattlesnake versus bare boob, there's not a flicker of creativity, only daring. "I can't believe they went there" moments can only take a 100-minute movie so far.
Unlike Freddy Vs. Jason or Bubba Ho-Tep, a wink never passes between the viewers and the movie. Instead Snakes comes off as only vaguely understanding it's sub par, and that's not funny. Call me elitist, but I like my grains of salt with a little meat.
Snakes is good, unimaginative fun. If waiting for the rental is out of the question, for best results catch the weekend matinee with your buddy who "gets it." Snakes is a movie that I would say "I loved that movie!" about, and mean it, in the company of simple friends. You know who I'm talking about.
Till next week, folks, when we get all serious again with a discussion of Osama bin Laden!
- Abel
<< 08/13/2006 | 08/20/2006 | 08/27/2006 >>
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