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After the Golden Age by Alvin Schwartz
Giving a glimpse into the formative years of comics and beyond.

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AFTER THE GOLDEN AGE for 07/02/2001
Volume 2, Number 11

My apologies all you lurkers and ogies out there, mainly Justin and Tony, I suspect. And Dwight. I mustn't forget my neighbour Dwight...

My columns, if I may say so, are kind of zucky lately. That's my impression. I was looking through the stuff I did the first year and there's just no comparison. I'm running out of steam. Too much going on. Not only The Blowtop just coming out and demanding my time, but planning for this winter's NO SUCH MIRRORS... and now, putting a lot of effort into Unlikely Prophet again. I'm convinced that in today's cinema universe, PROPHET was made to order for its ideas, its special effects possibilities and even its philosophy. And on top of that, because of the rapidly approaching trip to San Diego, I'm hearing from so many people from way back, and having to plan a lot of stuff. For a couple of died-in-the-wool hermits like me and Kay, this is becoming quite an expedition.

Do we take this? Do I prepare this to show to fans? What's the best way to set this up? So I'm really too scattered to do a real column this week. Just this sketchy report. Hey, man, I think I'm beginning to feel my age, especially after all those interviews I had last week. I wrote The Blowtop fifty years ago, but because it seems to have inspired the Beats (yeah, and so did Walt Whitman), it suddenly gets to be a big story. So I can't quite collect the energy to do a real column this week. And next week looks to be worse. But this I promise, when we get back from the San Diego Con, I'll have a full report. Maybe several reports. I'll make it up to you. I have a hunch too, from the way things are happening now, that it'll be an interesting report. So until then, hasta la vista!

But you can do something for me in the meantime, keep the Round Table going. It's easier to answer questions, easier to handle a dialogue than the demanding monologue that makes up a column.


<< 06/25/2001 | 07/02/2001 | 07/16/2001 >>

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