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After the Golden Age by Alvin Schwartz
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AFTER THE GOLDEN AGE for 05/21/2007
Vol. 2, #198

From at:
Pair to adapt 'Unlikely Prophet'
'Bleep' team to make 'Superman' writer's bio
By Dave Mcnary
Posted: Mon., May 21, 2007, 1:06pm PT

The producing team behind offbeat indie docu "What the Bleep Do We Know?" has bought feature rights to the novelized memoirs of Alvin Schwartz, centered on his 15-year stint as author of the Superman comicstrip.

Global Intelligence Press has optioned "An Unlikely Prophet" and its sequel, "A Gathering of Selves," with Betsy Chasse developing, producing and directing the project. Kate Montana will also produce.

Chasse was a producer, director and writer on 2004's "What the Bleep," a metaphysical exploration of the impact of quantum physics on everyday life that grossed a surprising $11 million.

Schwartz began writing Batman and Superman stories during WWII, working for DC Comics until 1958. He also wrote the beat novel "Blowtop" in 1948 and, nearly 50 years later, published "An Unlikely Prophet," in which he details the transformation of Superman into a more complex character.

"There was the fact that Superman was unlike any other superhero, because he wasn't human to start with," Schwartz said. "He had to learn his humanity. He had to adapt himself to ways of doing and being of a different planet, a different society and a different value system."
The Variety article followed from an interview my agent had--and he anticipates these columns could end up as two books--especially with some of the new stuff I intend to talk about, stuff that happened way back during the peak of the Abstract Expressionist art movement. All depends on how well I can keep myself glued to this chair in the forthcoming weeks...

Wishing all my regular readers a great year--and some new ways to fly----


<< 04/02/2007 | 05/21/2007 | 06/18/2007 >>

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