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12/31/2006 Book of the Month 19 - Marvels This month our selection almost needs no words. Amidst the Image craze of the early 90s there rose something great. Marvels. Alex Ross's first major work and the comics world was changed forever.
12/27/2006 Episode 211: Top 5 things we are looking forward to in 2007. In this episode we are joined by Sean Whelan from Raging Bullets, Mr. Phil from Indie Spinner Rack and Vince B and David Price from Bullpen Bulletins to get their picks for the top 5 DC, Indie, and Marvel books to look for in 2007.
12/21/2006 Episode 210: The geeks go over some Christmas cards and gifts and then do the usual comic discussions.
12/20/2006 CCL & Mayo Report #3: Join Chris and John once again as they take a look at the numbers for trades and other collected editions.
12/18/2006 Episode 209: Trivia time! In a universe shattering battle of the minds, the collective geeks take on the supreme knowledge of the Murd. It's one man against the world. Is he up to the challenge?
12/14/2006 Episode 208: The geeks open some Christmas gifts from the listeners and they give their top five magical characters. Also a brief interview with Texas Chainsaw Massacre artist Wesley Craig.
12/11/2006 52 Month 7: Mega-fan David D joins us for our monthly analysis of 52. We dig deep so you don't have to.
12/07/2006 Episode 207: Previews. Mayo Report. Nuff said.
12/06/2006 Civil War 5: Event editor Tom Brevoort joins us for our discussion of the fifth part of Civil War. Also adding to the mix is loyal listener David D. Lots of discussion about the good and the bad keeps this episode moving right along.
12/04/2006 Episode 206: What do you want to hear you say? Comics talk? You got it! In a new segment we take a look at the first five issues of Checkmate. We also discuss Jimmie Robinson's recent letter to the comics world and give our opinions.
11/30/2006 Episode 205: What were the best books of the year? Wizard released their list, and we begin thinking about ours. Also some Off the Racks and more Black Friday stories.
11/29/2006 Book of the Month 18 - Manhunter: It came out of nowhere in the early 70s, and it made a lasting impression on many people. Loyal listener Stewart MacWilliam (a.k.a. Wet Rats) joins us to discuss the series that made him a comic collector, Manhunter by Archie Goodwin and Walter Simonson. Also stopping in to give his thoughts on the series is the penciller himself, the great Walter Simonson.
11/27/2006 Episode 204: It's Christmas shopping season baby, and every geek wants lots of geeky stuff under their tree. So hand this episode off to your non-geek gift buyers, and we'll help them get you the best gifts possible.
11/22/2006 Episode 203: Can you name all of the Legion worlds in alphabetical order? Neither can we, but we brought a second Peter into the room to help us with our Legion of Superheroes Spotlight episode. Be prepared for loads of Legion lore as two Peters are always better than one.
11/20/2006 Episode 202: Special in-studio guest on today's episode. Artist Freddie Williams II joins us along with fan-favorite Chuck Satterlee. No interviews, just comic talk with the guys.
11/16/2006 Episode 201: As we begin our bold march towards episode 300, we take a moment to reflect on the events surrounding episode 200. Beware the Rios puppet!
11/15/2006 Annihilation 1-3: The first half of Marvel's big cosmic event is over and done with. The guys examine the first three issues and talk about what's happened and where it's going.
11/13/2006 Episode 200: It's finally here, the big 200! If you couldn't make it down for the big celebration, hopefully listening in will help you feel like you were a part of things.
11/09/2006 Episode 199: It's Previews time again, and of course that means it's also time for a look at the numbers with the Mayo Report. And we know it's your favorite episode, so we made a doozy, clocking it at almost two hours.
11/08/2006 52 Month 6 52 is half over. Find out what's going on. Lots of discussion. 'Nuff said.
11/06/2006 Episode 198: The next con coming down the pike is Mid-Ohio-Con. We check in with Roger Price, the organizer for the event. Then we launch into some good discussions, including some more talk about waiting for the trade, and a whole bunch of tv talk. Just what are the geeks watching?
11/02/2006 Book of the Month 17 - Lone Wolf & Cub: There's always something that was first. Find out how Lone Wolf & Cub, Japan's premiere comic, layed the foundation for so much American comic goodness. Join us as we explore the first two volumes of this ground-breaking series.
10/31/2006 Episode 197: Ape Entertainment just keeps putting out great books. Greg Waller is the man responsible for Magnitude, Ape's new superhero offering. He checks in and gives us the scoop. We also talk to animation master Tad Stones again and review the new Hellboy animated film.
10/30/2006 Episode 196: It's been a while since we checked in with Uncle Sal so we decided to call him up. Let the good times roll! We also spoke with Randy Gentile about his new webcomic Randall.
10/26/2006 Episode 195: The world of fandom is so much better today than it ever has been before. TwoMorrows Publishing is largely responsible for that. We spoke with John Morrow and Chris Irving from TwoMorrows. They gave us the scoop on many of the upcoming TwoMorrows products. Also, we have possibly the best Stump the Rios ever!
10/25/2006 Episode 194: Inkers don't get any love. Well, we are doing our best to disprove that theory. On today's show we welcome inker Drew Geraci. He's currently working on DC's 52 and he's quite happy. Plus he has a few convention stories to share as well.
10/23/2006 Episode 193: The Hulk isn't as one-dimensional as you might think. In this episode we do a spotlight on Marvel's Incredible Hulk. From his dim-witted beginnings to his multiple personalities, we discuss it all.
10/19/2006 Episode 192: We check in with the creative team on Black Coat, and then it's on to animation. We take a look at the upcoming Hellboy animated feature and then discuss our favorite animated movies.
10/18/2006 Episode 191: Chuck's back in the studio for more crazy fun. We bring back the Dialing up Chuck segment as we cold call some of Chuck's contacts in the industry. Look out for more crazy convention stories.
10/16/2006 Episode 190: Not only do we read comics, but we also watch TV. Chuck Satterlee joins us in the studio for some TV talk. We take a look at a few of our favorite current shows and tell you what you should be watching.
10/13/2006 CCL - Mayo Report: No one knows the business of trade paperbacks quite like Chris Marshall, host of the Collected Comics Library. This month we handed off the trade portion of the Mayo Report to Chris. Chris and John will get into all the nitty gritty details. Enjoy.
10/12/2006 Episode 189: Is the direct market healthy or ailing? Is the comics business growing or shrinking? Renowned retailer Brian Hibbs joins us for a discussion about the status of the direct market and a look at the overall industry.
10/11/2006 Episode 188: It's Previews time again. We go over the catalogue with a fine tooth comb and pick out all the good stuff. And along with Previews always comes a Mayo Report! Another look at the all important numbers.
10/09/2006 Episode 187: Color artist and long-time listener Rob Schwager joins us for the whole episode. First we check in with Rob about his career, and then we talk comics. A full house of geeks answer 10 questions posed by the forum. What shocking answers will come forth? You have to listen to find out.
10/06/2006 Spider-Man Movie Commentary: The crew sat down and watched the first Spider-Man movie and recorded a commentary track. So sit down, cue up the film and get ready to hear their take on it.
10/04/2006 Episode 186: She's finally here, Clara Lillian Deemer. Bryan gives the scoop on his new baby girl, plus lots of comic talk, including some Off the Racks.
10/02/2006 Episode 185: Marvel's surprise hit series has just hit 100 issues, and Ultimate Spider-Man isn't stopping there. We spoke with Mark Bagley, artist on the series, to talk about his and Bendis's historic run on the series.
09/28/2006 Book of the Month - 16 - Understanding Comics: Just because you've been reading comics your whole life doesn't necessarily mean you really know how they work or why they work. Well Scott McCloud is here to help you. We delve into the behind the scenes wonders of comics and all of their artistic merits. Prepare to finally learn what comics are all about.
09/27/2006 Episode 184: You know us well enough now to know our favorite characters and series. In this episode we each take a look at our 5 favorite storylines in our favorite series. Lots of good discussion here.
09/26/2006 Episode 183: It's Indy Challenge time baby! In this episode we talk to Ron Marz, who is doing Russian Sunset and also Jonathan Hickman, the creator of Image's Nightly News. And even though he's not part of this month's challenge, we talk to Top Shelf's very own Robert Venditti about the trade release of his series The Surrogates.
09/25/2006 Civil War 4: Civil War just keeps getting better and better. Color artist Morry Hollowell joins us again, as well as letterer Chris Eliopoulos and they give us some very important insight into the story. They also point out some very interesting clues that we would have missed.
09/22/2006 Indie Spinner Rack - Dave Sim: Indie Spinner Rack is one of the best podcasts out there and they deserve to be heard damnit! They recently interviewed Cerebus creator Dave Sim. We thought it was a fantastic interview and you should hear it. So listen up!
09/21/2006 Blade TV Special: Not only does he draw a mean Scooby Doo, but Scott Neely does interviews too! Scott got a chance to talk to three of the stars of Spike TV's Blade series. We are happy to release these interviews for him.
09/20/2006 Episode 182: He draws, he inks, he lures you in with Mars bars?! He's Mike Perkins, current artist on Union Jack and Captain America. Also on the show is Kevin Levy, Director of Program Planning and Scheduling for the new CW. Kevin fills us in on Smallville and the behind-the-scenes world of network television.
09/18/2006 Episode 181: We still have unanswered questions from episode 150, so today we answer a few of those. A double shot of Stump the Rios; will anyone ever win those trades? And a conversation with Raging Bullets podcast host, Sean Whelan as his show hits Episode 25.
09/15/2006 Episode 180: Comic talk time! We give our thoughts on current comic news and upcoming releases, try to Stump the Rios, initiate a new fan art challenge, list Important Comic Dates for September and just hang out.
09/14/2006 Episode 179: The post-crisis DC universe is paying more attention to the little guys. This includes Conner Hawke. In this episode we speak with the creative team on Conner's new limited series (Conner Hawke: Dragon's Blood), Chuck Dixon and Derec Donovan. Later in the show we check in with Devil's Due president Josh Blaylock. He gives us the scoop on his company's 5 year anniversary, what's coming down the pike, and a quick lesson on the various G.I. Joe series we've seen over the years and how they fit into continuity.
09/12/2006 Episode 178: Not another convention! In this episode we talk about our experience at this year's Baltimore Comic Con. There are some crazy stories, so be sure not to miss it.
09/11/2006 52 Month 4: Another 5 issues have come and gone and with them some mysteries were solved, but new enigmas arose. Join us as we discuss 52, weeks 13-17.
09/08/2006 San Diego Interviews: Amidst all the craziness of San Diego we did have time for a few interviews. It's been so long we don't even remember who we talked to! So be sure to listen and enjoy the surprise.
09/07/2006 Episode 177: This is one packed episode. First it's Previews time. Then there's a Mayo Report. And then we wrap up the show with an interview with the writer of Elk's Run, Joshua Hale Fialkov. Get comfy!
09/06/2006 Episode 176: Who says we never talk about web comics? In this episode we do our best to shed some light on another great source of comic fun. Join us as we talk to members of the Web Comic Hotness group, Danielle Coresetto and James Hatton. They are tons of fun and have lots to say about wonderful web comics. Also on the show to talk about webcomics where Kevin Volo and Stephen Reid from
09/05/2006 Convention Survival Guide: Have you never gone to a comic con? Well you should! The question we get the most is "What should I expect and how should I prepare for my first con?" We will attempt to answer all of your questions about making the most out of your comic con experience. We also tapped a few professionals to get a look at their side of things. Jimmy Palmiotti, Scott Neely, David Peterson and others help us shed some light on one of the best experiences for comic fans.
09/04/2006 Episode 175: Meet Darick Robertson. He was the artist on Transmetropolitan and now he's co-creator/artist on Wildstorm's The Boys. Please join us as we talk about his past career as well as the future of his new series and his dedication to his work.
08/31/2006 Episode 174: In one year he went from fanboy to Robin artist. Meet Freddie Williams II. He's one of DC's newest go-to guys and he's eager to do it. Freddie fills us in on his personal story as well as his art techniques. Can you say digital comics? Listen in for a fascinating discussion on the future of comic art production.
08/30/2006 Book of the Month - Episode 15 - Inhumans: It's time again for our monthly discussion. This time we're talking about Inhumans by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee. One of the first Marvel Knights titles, this series introduced a whole new generation of readers to the Inhumans. There's plenty to talk about.
08/28/2006 Episode 173: August might almost be over, but it's not too late to check in with one of our Indie Challenge creators. Meet Cullen Bunn, writer of The Damned. Is he a horror writer? Gross-out story teller? Or children's author? You decide. Also hear the nominees for the 2006 Harvey Awards!
08/24/2006 Episode 172: Introducing Chuck Satterlee. You met him once before, he's the write of Of Bitter Souls. His book was once an indy challenge. We'll now he's in the studio for a discussion about books from Markosia, the company he's currently helping to run. And later in the show, we randomly call people in Chuck's rolodex. Can you say more crazy con stories?
08/23/2006 Episode 171: There are more artists out there other than the Wizard top 10. In this episode the geeks pick their top five artists worthy of wider recognition. Plus we have our first contestant in the Atomika Stump the Rios contest. Will they succeed?
08/21/2006 Episode 170: Frank Beddor, author of Hatter M and The Looking Glass Wars, joins us along with members of his staff at the Hatter M Institute for Paranormal Travel and Research. There is a whole world out there that you are missing if you aren't reading Hatter M. Hop to!
08/19/2006 Special Report: Marvel announced that Civil War is going to be late. This news has really stirred things up. We discuss this issue, as well as get thoughts on the topic from Beau Smith, Brian Hibbs, Heidi MacDonald, David D, and John Mayo.
08/18/2006 Episode 169: Last month we spoke with The Exterminators artist Tony Moore. This month Peter got a chance to talk to the writer Simon Oliver. It's a pleasant conversation that is sure to lure you in. So pay attention and find out why you need to be reading The Exterminators.
08/17/2006 Episode 168: We are breaking form! Normally we don't do spoilers on our regular episodes, but this time we just couldn't resist. We assembled the creative team behind Annihilation #1. Joining us are writer Keith Giffen, penciller Andrea Divito, and editor Andy Schmidt. So to hear all about Marvel's other event listen to these three guys whoop it up.
08/16/2006 Episode 167: Put your headphones on and get ready to soil your trousers. Uncle Sal returns and this time he is joined by cousin Buzz! I don't think you need any more explanation than that. Warning: this is not safe for work or for children.
08/14/2006 Annihilation Prologue and 4 minis: Civil War isn't the only good event Marvel is putting out right now. If you're not paying attention to all things cosmic, then you should be. Join us as we take an in-depth look at the first 4 mini series of the Annihilation event. After some discussion we also spoke with Andy Schmidt, the editor of the event, in order to get his take on things.
08/10/2006 Episode 166: Our Chicago wrap-up continues with some help from Steve Bryant, Mike Norton, and Dave Wachter. But the fun doesn't stop there! Kevin has a rant all ready to go. Sometimes silver and black isn't all good. Plus a little comic discussion.
08/09/2006 Episode 165: We all made it back from Chicago safely so now it's time to talk about. It was our first Chicago con in 6 years so there was plenty to talk about. So tune in and hear all about our adventures in Rosemont.
08/07/2006 52 Month 3: In this episode we go over issues 9-12 of DC's 52. So get out your microscope as we examine every detail of these 4 comics. DC has something up their sleeves and we want to get to the bottom of it.
08/03/2006 Civil War 3: Joining us for the discussion is inker Dexter Vines and colorist Morry Hollowell. The story is really starting to heat up so there is plenty to talk about. Plus Morry gives us some great news!
08/02/2006 Episode 164: Check in for what's about to happen in Chicago at Wizard World. It's also Previews time again so we'll be making our selections for the month. And don't forget to stick around for the Mayo report.
07/31/2006 Book of the Month - Episode 14 - Superman For All Seasons: This month Superman Returns got all the attention, but there are even better Superman stories out there. Join us as we take a detailed look at the Jeph Loeb / Tim Sale delight Superman For All Seasons. You just might be surprised by all that Superman has to offer.
07/28/2006 Episode 163: Now that Comic-Con is over it's time to get back into the routine. And that means more comic talk. In this episode you won't find any interviews or movie reviews, just good old fashioned comic talk. Please start talking to your headphones now.
07/20/2006 Episode 162: We are back from San Diego so it's time to talk about the con. So settle in and hear the tales from the show floor. And while you're at it, starting booking your trip for next year.
07/25/2006 San Diego Comic Con Podcasting Panel: We were fortunate enough to sit on a panel all about comic podcasts at the San Diego Con this year. Thanks to the guys at we are able to present it here for you. The audio isn't the greatest due to some technical dificulties at the show, but it's almost as good as being there.
07/20/2006 Episode 161: Bring your gavel, because we are about to debate! A full house of geeks sat down to figure out what are the 25 comic stories that every comic fan must read. It wasn't easy, and we're sure many of you will disagree. So listen in and then send us your lists, and become a better comic fan in the process.
07/19/2006 Episode 160: San Diego is here! We spoke with the people behind Utopiates, Jetta, and the Hero Tomorrow movie. As well as our usual comic discussions.
07/18/2006 Episode 159: Get the bug spray baby! We spoke with Exterminators artist Tony Moore and his fiancee Kara Fairfield. Get all the scoop on Tony's rise to the top and hear wonderful tales of San Diego past. Plus all on the usual fare on this bonus episode.
07/17/2006 Episode 158: What's that? Shane's not here and we're talking toys? You bet. We spoke with Shocker Toys president Geoff Beckett about their upcoming line and what to expect from them at San Diego. We also read some emails and have a heck of discussion about the new writer on Thor. Don't miss it.
07/14/2006 Episode 157: We speak with indy challenge creator David Dwonch about his book Special Education. We also answer some more listener questions and get up to all of the usual shenanigans.
07/13/2006 52 Month 2 It's time to go over issues 5-8 of 52. There's a lot going on in there, so pay attention and take good notes.
07/12/2006 Episode 156: It's time once again for a look at the new Previews, and it's also time to break out the spreadsheets for another Mayo Report.
07/10/2006 Superman Returns: The geeks headed down to their local IMAX and witnessed the spectacle of Superman Returns in glorious 3D. After soaking in every last credit we headed home to let you know what we though.
07/07/2006 Episode 155: The Heroes Con interviews are over and now it's time for a wrap-up discussion with Peter. And even though he's sharing great stories with us, we still try to Stump the Rios, as well as listen to some voicemails and all the usual.
07/06/2006 Episode 154: It's part two of the Heroes Con interviews. Don't be shy, join us!
07/05/2006 Episode 153: Peter went down to Heroes Con, and man did he do a lot of talking. Check in for our first part of the Heroes Con conversations.
07/03/2006 Episode 152: We're kickin' it old school today. Join us for a good old fashion geeky comic discussion. No topic in particular, just a lot of talk. We also pick a new fan art challenge, and we included two short interviews from the 2006 MOCCA Art Festival.
06/29/2006 Episode 151: It's time for our monthly Indy Challenge interview episode. So get ready to write down four more titles you won't want to leave off of this month's order.
06/28/2006 Book of the Month - Episode 13 - Cerebus: Behold the Earth Pig Born! Every comic reader has heard of Cerebus, but many have not read the book. Now you don't have any more excuses. Drive right in to the 300 issue maxi-series with volume 2 High Society. We promise you won't want to stop.
06/26/2006 Episode 150:Time sure does fly when you're having fun. We can't believe it's already time for our 150th episode. To honor this special event, we took questions from our listeners and took turns answering them. And to make this episode even more special, we celebrate Shane's 34th birthday.
06/23/2006 Heroes Con Special: Heroes Con is only one week away. To help you get ready for one of the year's hottest shows, we spoke with convention organizer Shelton Drum. So listen in and whet your appetite for an amazing con.
06/22/2006 Episode 149: In this episode we read some emails, tell some stories, do an off the rack, go through voicemails, and talk to Kevin Volo of fame.
06/21/2006 Civil War - Episode 2: As we continue our look at Marvel's Civil War series, we are joined by penciller Steve McNiven and color artist Morry Hollowell. These two amazing talents help us dissect the story and conjecture with us about what is yet to come.
06/19/2006 Episode 148: Remember Malibu comics? We sure do. In this episode we take an in-depth look at the history of Malibu comics and their universe. Learn all there is to know about these comics in this episode.
06/15/2006 Episode 147: Just when you thought Manhunter was a goner, DC decided to keep it going for 5 more issues. We spoke with Manhunter writer Marc Andreyko about his critically acclaimed book and his career in general.
06/14/2006 52 Month 1: The first four issues of DC's 52 have come and gone. In this episode we talk about what's happened, and what we think might happen. And of course Peter fills us in on all the little details we missed.
06/12/2006 Episode 146: They have become the new dynamic duo of comic writers. They are Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti. These two talented writers joined us for a great discussion about comics and movies and pop culture in general. Grab your headphones and watch out for the garbage can lids.
06/08/2006 Episode 145: Because we just can't get enough, it's time once again for Story Time With Uncle Sal! In his funiest appearance yet, Atomika creator Sal Abbinanti joins us again for more convention stories. We also take a look at this month's Previews and make all of our top picks. This episode is not safe for work, or children.
06/07/2006 Episode 144: This summer Athena Voltaire returns! To talk about her ups and downs in comics we brought back artist Steve Bryant to give us the scoop. We also announce our new contest. Writers, get your pencils ready!
06/05/2006 Episode 143: Convention time again. This weekend we hit Wizard World Philly. As always, it was a blast. Listen in for all our thoughts on the show, and a smattering of interviews.
06/01/2006 X-Men 3 Movie Review: Let the summer of comic movies begin! Join us as we give all the ups and the downs to the third installment of the X franchise. Bryan Singer vs. Brett Ratner. Magneto vs. Sentinals. Jean Grey vs. Phoenix. It's all good baby. I'm the Juggernaut bitch!
05/31/2006 Book of the Month - Episode 12 You thought it would never happen! Well we proved you wrong. For the first time ever, the geeks take a look at manga. This month's book, Death Note, is a very interesting example of how manga is not just school girls and ninja. We are joined by listener Matt S. for a lively discussion.
05/30/2006 Episode 142: Wolverine Origins is one of Marvel's biggest series of the year. So we had a great conversation with the writer Daniel Way. Daniel gave us all the honest details about his career in comics and his goal with the new Wolverine series.
05/29/2006 Episode 141: We start this episode off with a long overdue brief interview with Indy Challenge creator Shon Bury. Then there's trivia, May dates, voicemail, and an extensive discussion on trade paperback design.
05/25/2006 Episode 140: Strawberry Shortcake? Don't worry the Peculiar Purple Pie Man is nowhere to be found. In this episode we talk with comic artist Scott Neely and discuss his journy from comic books to the world of cartoons.
05/24/2006 Episode 139: Get the kids out of the room and then get ready to laugh! It's Bryan's birthday roast and the guys don't give him any slack. Matt hosts this surprise roast. Not only is Bryan surprised, but so is the rest of the gang. It turns out Matt is quite the comedian.
05/22/2006 Episode 138: Can you say Indy Challange? It's time again to talk with this month's indy challenge creators and discover more about the wonderful world of independent comics.
05/18/2006 Civil War - Episode 1: So long Infinite Crisis, hello Civil War. Marvel's cooking up something mighty good here and we just can't ignore it. We really dig deep into this one. An abundance of discussion as the Marvel Zombies get their turn in the spotlight.
05/17/2006 Episode 137: It's time again for a top 5. This time we pick our favorite cover artists. Also we check in with Amy, A.K.A. Little Witch and get an update on the Bristol Comic Con, and she also hooks us up with a brief interview with Geoff Johns.
05/16/2006 Episode 136: Did somebody say free comics? That's right, in case you were living in a box, May 6th was Free Comic Book Day. Jamie, Shane, and Matt report from Golden Eagle Comics on FCBD. Hear all their exciting adventures, plus an interview with Marvel legend Dan Adkins.
05/11/2006 Episode 135: Who draws a mean Alan Scott? Why Firestorm artist Jamal Igle of course. Jamal is a hell of a nice guy and a friend of the show and in this episode we have the pleasure of talking to him. Hear all about his love of DC and his ongoing quest for perfection.
05/10/2006 Infinite Crisis 7: Well, the story has ended, but the discussion has just begun. It's our longest IC episode yet, so join us for a heapin' helpin' of DC event goodness.
05/09/2006 Episode 134: It's time to take a look at the new Previews again. As always there is a ton of interesting stuff coming out, and we help you sort through it.
05/04/2006 Episode 133: When last we spoke with B. Clay Moore, sadly we were cut off. So in true superheroic form we unflinchingly tried again, and with much success. So join us for some more discussion with Mr. Moore, and stay tuned for a few minutes with Mike George, the man who puts on the Pittsburgh Comic Con.
05/03/2006 Second Chance 2: In this episode we continue the creative process in developing our character Second Chance. Using the listeners thoughts and ideas as a springboard, we add more detail and dimension to our future hero.
05/01/2006 Book of the Month - Episode 11: There has to be a first of everything. The Death of Captain Marvel was the first Marvel graphic novel. Take a stroll down the old historical highway as we examine some of the roots of Marvel's cosmic world as well as one of it's best endings.
04/27/2006 Episode 131: We're back in the studio for some more wrap up of the Pittsburgh Con. Plus we give you all the regular stuff you love so much.
04/24/2006 Episode 130: The weekend has come and gone, and with it was the Pittsburgh Comic Con. This episode is chock full of on-site recordings from the geeks and interviews with creators, including Brian Michael Bendis. So grab your Primanti Brother's sandwhich and join the fun.
04/20/2006 Episode 129: It's trivia time baby! In this episode we played Marvel's trivia game. Be amazed by our incredible knowledge, and be stunned by Bryan's total inability to recall even the most basic comic tidbits. It's gonna be a blast.
04/19/2006 Episode 128: We've told you about this month's Indy Challenge, now hear all about them from the creators themselves. We spoke with members from all four creative teams. Come on and join the Indy Challenge.
04/17/2006 Episode 127: Is it possible that there are more Marvel events to discuss? You bet! And we aren't even done yet. Plus we give you all the regular goodness of CGS.
04/13/2006 Episode 126: Convention stories with Uncle Sal! Atomika creator Sal Abinanti returns to share with us some recent con stories. You don't want to miss this.
04/12/2006 Infinite Crisis Episode 6: The Crisis is almost over, but the discussion is just getting started. Join us as we continue our detailed look at issue 6 of Infinite Crisis.
04/11/2006 Episode 125: We continue the violence in comics discussion, as well as take a look at this summer's upcoming comic movies.
04/06/2006 Episode 124: Even more Marvel events. Plus a whole bunch of geeky comic talk. And don't miss Jamie go three rounds with the rest of the geeks.
04/05/2006 Book of the Month - Episode 10: Before he imagined the famous Watchmen, Alan Moore penned V for Vendetta. In this episode we look at every detail of this classic. We also compare and contrast with the recent movie release. Boy did some tempers flair!
04/03/2006 Episode 123: More Marvel events. The mutants have been busy over the years. Listen in as we dig into detail on some of the X crossovers from the 90s.
03/30/2006 Episode 122: Pull his Thing! Dan Slott joins us to talk about his book that needs your help. Get all the details on the contest and help pull Dan's Thing.
03/29/2006 Episode 121: He's comics' most famous tough guy. He's Beau Smith. West Virginia seems to produce more than its share of top comics creators. Beau is a writer with much talent. Join us for a great conversation and maybe you will get to feel his bicep.
03/27/2006 Episode 120: We check in briefly with one of the creators of Make Like a Tree comics. Jerzy Drozd and crew make comics that are kid friendly. Check em out. It's also time for Infinity Madness. Adam joins us for a good look at Marvel's Infinity Trilogy.
03/23/2006 Episode 119: Just when you thought the New York Con was a thing of the past, we give you some interviews from the show floor.
03/22/2006 Catwoman Commentary: You asked for it, you got it. The first in a series of commentary tracks done by the CGS guys for the many comic book related movies. We started out with a bang. Watch your back Halle Berry, it's time for Catwoman.
03/20/2006 Episode 118: Alice in Wonderland isn't just for kids anymore. Join us for a conversation with Frank Beddor, writer of Image Comic's Hatter M.
03/16/2006 Episode 117: Spotlight on Devil's Due Publishing. You'd be surprised at the variety of things published by Devil's Due. It's not all G.I. Joe or other 80's properties. We give you the run down. Also in this episode, more Marvel events. Tap into some of the history of the Marvel U.
03/15/2006 Episode 116: New York Comic Con wrap-up with Con Organizer Greg Topalian. Were expectations met? Were retailers and exhibitors pleased? And an inside scoop on Saturday's tremendous turnout. Also, a look at just what makes Marvel's Ultimate Universe so unique.
03/13/2006 Episode 115: He's a writer. He's an artist. He's a letterer. He's a funny man. He's Chris Eliopoulos. Chris joined us for a very informative and very enjoyable interview. We also pick our top five X-Men and X-Men villians.
03/09/2006 Episode 114: In this episode we spoke with the creative team on the upcoming series "Horrorwood." We also have the usual trivia and other comicy goodness.
03/08/2006 Infinite Crisis Episode 5: The multiverse is back, and along with it, endless confusion. In our in-depth analysis of Infinite Crisis #5 we try to clear up any questions you might have.
03/06/2006 Episode 113: February contest winner announced! We also look at March's Previews and a look at the numbers with the Mayo Report.
03/02/2006 Episode 112: New York Comic Con has come and gone. For a full report of the conventions and all its ups and downs, go no further.
03/01/2006 Book of the Month - Episode 9: Most comics focus on heroes. In Wanted Mark Millar breaks the mold and gives the villians the center stage. Join the geeks for a discussion of this heavy-duty, often violent, and sometimes racy book. It's our first detailed look at a mature themed book. You won't be dissapointed.
02/27/2006 Episode 111: Adventure! Zepplins! Nazis! Machu Picchu! It's Athena Voltaire. We spoke with writer Paul Daly and artist Steve Bryant, the creative team responsible for the best thing to happen to adventure comics since hidden treasure and swinging from vines.
02/23/2006 Episode 110: From the foreign shores of Japan to the Marvel headquarters in NYC, C.B. Cebulski has done it all. We spoke with the writer/editor/talent handler who knows his manga. Listen in and broaden your horizons.
02/22/2006 Episode 109: Throughout the history of comics there have been great creative teams. Recently a new one has emerged. Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark have been making their mark on comics. Their Daredevil work is looking to be great as always.
02/20/2006 Episode 108: Convention story time with Uncle Sal! New York Con reminders, a look at more Marvel mutant events, and all the usual hijinks.
02/16/2006 Episode 107: More Previews discussion, a spotlight on the Fantastic Four, and a chat with writer Mike Oliveri. It's gonna be a good one.
02/15/2006 Episode 106: We've learned not to over look color artists, so let's not over look editors eithers. In this episode we had a great conversation with Marvel editor Andy Schmidt. He gives us the scoop all the duties of the oft misunderstood editors.
02/13/2006 Episode 105: Everyone knows we're going to the brand spankin' new New York Comic Con, but not everyone knows how a con like that gets off the ground. We spoke with Greg Topalian, organizer of the con, in order to get some details.
02/09/2006 Episode 104: Join Peter, Bryan, and Shane do an Off the Rack segment, and just some random comic thoughts.
02/08/2006 Episode 103: Spider-Man, Justice League International, Abadazad, huh? No, this isn't the beginning of another Stump the Rios segment, these are all books written by J.M. DeMatteis, and in the this episode we get the scoop from J.M. himself on these titles, and a whole lot more.
02/06/2006 Episode 102: Ronin Studios is an up-and-coming publishing umbrella, and Scar Tissue is one their books. We spoke with Jim and Dave, the creative team on the book. Listen in to hear just what the famous Citizen Dave has to say about comics.
02/02/2006 Episode 101: The episode is a mishmash of fun stuff. We do a recap of episode 100. We talk to a frag doll. And we do the usual comic talk thang. So come on in and have some fun.
02/01/2006 Infinite Crisis Episode 4: The drama continues. DC stepped it up a notch with the fourth issue of Infinite Crisis. We delve into all the juicy details.
01/30/2006 Book of the Month - Episode 8: She's fifteen, she's feisty, and now she's a superhero. She's Arana. We examine one of Marvel's newest heroes. We didn't think we were going to like, but you can't judge a book by its cover.
01/26/2006 Episode 100: This is it, the moment you've all been waiting for. Recorded in front of an audience of our listeners, we proudly present our 100th episode.
01/25/2006 Episode 99: Marvel? DC? Bah! It's time for Top Shelf. We spoke with Chris Staros, publisher of Top Shelf. Hear what he has to say.
01/23/2006 Episode 98: Not everything about the early 90s was bad. In addition to multiple variant foil covers, there was Valiant. Jim Shooter and the gang created a brilliant universe. Check it out.
01/19/2006 Episode 97: No one has made a bigger deal out of the new Moon Knight series than we have. In order to get ready for its release, we spoke with writer Charlie Huston. Silver or white? Oh the horror!
01/18/2006 Episode 96: To the Batmobile! We pick our top 5 comic vehicles. We also do another "Off the Rack" segment.
01/16/2006 Episode 95: We all buy comics every week, but just how many are selling? In this episode we take a good look at the numbers and try to figure out exactly just what they mean.
01/12/2006 Episode 94: It's Previews time. We peruse the latest catalog and make our picks for best of the month.
01/11/2006 Episode 93: Not only do we love our comics, we love our collectables too. And no one makes better collectables than Bowen Designs. Today we spoke with Randy Bowen, sculptor extraodinaire.
01/09/2006 Episode 92: He may be the fastest man alive, but an episode spotlighting him won't be over quickly. He's the Flash and he's responsible for ushering in a new age of heroes. On your mark, get set, go!
01/05/2006 Episode 91: 2005 gave us a lot of great comics. But which ones were the best? Join us as we make our picks for the year's best.
01/04/2006 Episode 90: Color artist? What's a color artist? Chris Sotomayer tells us all about it.
01/02/2006 Episode 89: We got christmas presents! Some of our listeners sent us gifts. Listen in as we open them up. And of course we also talk about some wonderful comic goodness.

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