12/29/2005 |
Book of the Month - Episode 7: Grant Morrison. Animal Man. Wile E. Coyote?! No words can explain what you are about to hear. |
12/28/2005 |
Infinite Crisis Episode 3: Issue 3 is out! We would be remiss in our duties if we didn't put it through the wringer and closely examine each and every detail. |
12/26/2005 |
Episode 88: It's winter, so what better time to discuss the most famous man ever frozen in ice. He's Captain America. We take a hard look at Cap and his comics career. |
12/22/2005 |
Episode 87: He's done everything from independent comics to big budget Batman. He's Paul Pope. We spoke with Paul live from the streets of Manhattan to find out just what he's all about. |
12/19/2005 |
Episode 86: It's Superman! We sat down and had a nice long chat with Tom De Haven, author of the new novel It's Superman! You might not have heard of it, but you should have. Join us and get ready for a great yarn. |
12/15/2005 |
Episode 85: Not all superheroes are men. And we like it that way. In this episode the geeks pick their top five female heroes. Who are yours? |
12/14/2005 |
Episode 84: Los Comic Geekos are back! They present Mysterious Mysteries of Unfathomable Mystery |
12/12/2005 |
Episode 83: In honor of his upcoming 83rd birthday, we decided to spotlight Stan Lee. In this episode we discuss his history, his contributions to the industry, and his passion for comics. Every comic fan knows who Stan Lee is, now find out why he's so popular. |
12/08/2005 |
Episode 82: Some people were born to draw comics. Gene Colan was one of those people. We were fortunate enough to be able to talk with Gene for an hour about his life in comics. If you haven't yet discovered the joy that is Gene's artwork, do yourself a favor and listen in and then run out and by every comic you can find. |
12/05/2005 |
Episode 81: The JSA just might be the greatest superhero team ever. What's your opinion? Join us for a discussion about the first super team and what it means for the industry. |
12/01/2005 |
Episode 80: People from Pennsylvania kick ass! We are practically neighbors with artist/writer Timothy Truman, so we got him on the phone for a chat. He's responsible for such works as Scout, Grim Jack, Jonah Hex, and some upcoming Conan. He's a graduate of the Joe Kubert school and he has some stories to tell. |
11/28/2005 |
Episode 79: Another amazing episode... |
11/24/2005 |
Episode 78: Happy Thanksgiving! |
11/23/2005 |
House of M Special: We can't give DC all the attention. Marvel has done some interesting things with House of M. We ask all the questions, look at all the details, and surmise about the future. Listen up sapien. |
11/21/2005 |
Episode 77: Nobody messes with Easy Company. And nobody messes with Joe Kubert. We have had the honor and privledge of interviewing comic legend Joe Kubert. Join us for a wonderful and heart-felt discussion with one of comics greatest artists. |
11/17/2005 |
Infinite Crisis Episode 2: In this all crisis episode we are joined by DC writer Scott Beatty. He helps us analyze and conjecture about DC's mega-event. If you are reading this series, you must listen to this episode. |
11/16/2005 |
Crusaders Commentary: Our very own commentary track for all 5 episodes of Crusaders. |
11/14/2005 |
Episode 76: Interview with Morrey Hollowell and Carley Carrel, colorists for Marvel. |
11/10/2005 |
Episode 75: Special guest Jarret Green joins us for this episode. Are comic stores arranged in the best way possible? Why segregate by company? Why not alphabetical? How about by genre? What do you think? We also take a good look at the comic book ages. What are they? When did they start and end? Can't we all just get along? |
11/09/2005 |
Episode 74: The CGS gang can't remember what they talked about, so listen in to find out! |
11/07/2005 |
Episode 73: Girl power! In this titilating episode of CGS, we had three wonderful guests on the show. Lene Taylor, Katheryne from Philly, and Tasha Deemer. So tune in for the female take on comics. |
11/03/2005 |
Episode 72: All is pleasant in the rivalry between Marvel and DC. Yeah right! It's been a long standing tradition for the big two to go at it. Is this good or bad? We also take a look at this month's Previews and Shane updates us on the world of toys. |
11/02/2005 |
Episode 71: One side you sniveling hero! Villians are what make comics great. In this episode we list our top 5 favorite villians. What are yours? We also take a look at the Futurist movie, and the Bite Me Fanboy film. |
10/31/2005 |
Book of the Month Club - Episode 5 - Tomb of Dracula: Believe it or not superhero comics weren't always the most popular. In the 70s horror comics ruled them all. In our 5th book of the month club episode we take a look at one of Marvel's most popular horror comics, Tomb of Dracula. We are joined by the book's writer Marv Wolfman as he helps us to understand the reasons the book was so popular. |
10/27/2005 |
Episode 70: Comic history is just as important as the comics themselves. In order to get some insight into the wonderful world of comic history we spoke with Gerard Jones, author of Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters, and the Birth of the Comic Book. |
10/26/2005 |
Second Chance: Gravity artist Mike Norton joins us for a creative discussion on the development of our character, Second Chance. |
10/24/2005 |
Episode 69: Stand back mendicant! It's time for an interview with the infamous scribe of Groo the Wanderer, Mark Evanier. Listen in to hear Mark tell tales of meeting some of comicdom's greatest creators, stories from TV land, as well as his thoughts on Hostess snack cakes. |
10/20/2005 |
Episode 68: He's DC's go-to guy for all things Batman. He's Scott Beatty. Chances are if you have read a bat book, you have read Scott Beatty. In a wonderfully pleasant discussion Scott lets us in on many of his stories and adventures in the world of writing comics. Join us. |
10/19/2005 |
Infinite Crisis Special #1: Unless you were dead last Wednesday, you were in your local comic shop buying a copy of DC's Infinite Crisis #1. We were just as excited as you. In this special spoiler-filled episode we look at every detail in this amazing event. Join us for all the discussion and analysis of the biggest thing to happen to the DCU in 20 years. |
10/17/2005 |
Episode 67: In another marathon episode we announce the winner of the manga contest. We go through a bunch of listener emails, and we also stray into the world of politics?! Wha Huh? We didn't try to do it, it just happened. So tune in and see what you think. |
10/13/2005 |
Episode 66: He came to everyone's attention drawing Amazing Spider-Man. He moved on to be a founding member of Image Comics. Now he's publisher and the guy in charge of Image. He's Erik Larsen. Just recently he wrote an open letter to the comics industry challenging creators to be just that, creative. In a jovial interview with the man behind Savage Dragon, Comic Geek Speak learns his history and his explanation of the controversial letter. Join us, and find out where he's really coming from. |
10/12/2005 |
Episode 65: In a good old fashioned episode we announce some contests, go through Previews for December, and list the important comic dates for October. |
10/10/2005 |
Episode 64: CGS has a huge announcement! Listen in to hear the big news. We also reveal a few contest winners. For our main topic of discussion we take a look at the season opener of Smallville. Bryan loved it, Jamie hated it. Turn the volume up and hear the debate. |
10/06/2005 |
Episode 63: Put away your Marvel and DC comics. In this episode we take an in-depth look at a handful of books from Top Shelf Productions. Nobody does independents better than these guys. So if you are looking for something new to read, look no further. |
10/03/2005 |
Episode 62: New guys, shmew guys. In this episode we turned back the clock and talked to one of the guys that made comics what they are today. Join us for a wonderful interview with comic legend Denny O'Neil. The man has a resume the size of Giant Man, and we discuss all the fun stuff. |
09/29/2005 |
Book of the Month Club - Episode 4: For our fourth book of the month we chose Vertigo's Fables Volume 1 - Legends in Exile by Bill Willingham and Lan Medina. Tune in for all the good, a little bad, and lots of discussion. |
09/28/2005 |
Episode 61: Do you love Back Issue! magazine? Or Alter Ego magazine? If you do, or if you never heard of them, be sure to listen to our interview with John Morrow, publisher of TwoMorrows Publishing. |
09/26/2005 |
Episode 60: Comic books are great and all, but take a look at the original artwork, before it goes to press. That's where the real beauty lies. We have a long discussion about original artwork, how to get it, and how not to get ripped off. |
09/21/2005 |
Episode 59: Everybody loves toys! Some people like them even more than others. We went on location to Baltimore, MD and we sat down with Palisades toy company President and CEO, Mike Horn. We discussed the humble beginings of his company to its current status as a premeire toy manufacturer. Join us and the rest of the Muppets for this fascinating interview. |
09/19/2005 |
Episode 58: Nothing beats going to a comic convention with your friends. The CGS boys spent the weekend in Baltimore having a great time at the Baltimore Comic Con. Listen in as we give you the scoop. |
09/15/2005 |
Episode 57: In this episode we pay tribute to one of comic's long-time writers and creators, Doug Moench. He gives us the skinny on Moon Knight's costume, Jason Todd's creation, and a whole mess of other goodies. Don't miss this very entertaining interview with a comic legend. |
09/12/2005 |
Episode 56: With Identity Crisis looming we're sure you want to get brought up to speed on all the DC events from Crisis on Infinite Earths to today. In this episode we take a look at the first two events in the first of a new segment "CGS's Countdown to Infinite Crisis." Also, we have a discussion on slabbed comics. Good? Bad? The worst idea ever? We give it to you straight. |
09/08/2005 |
Episode 55: It's time to turn back the clock. We take an in depth look at Marvel's New Universe and 2099 lines. Rumor and water cooler talk will have you believe that most of this stuff was garbage. We put that theory to the test. A lot of talented people were involved in those two efforts, and they didn't all fail. Join us for a memory filled discussion. |
09/07/2005 |
Episode 54: You've been begging for it so here it is. It's an all comic geek trivia match. Peter puts the screws to the rest of us as we attempt to answer his questions. Who will win? Only the Shadow knows. |
09/05/2005 |
Episode 53: Back by popular demand, it's another all listener email episode. You send them, we read them. What interesting discussion will these emails spawn? Tune in to find out. |
09/01/2005 |
Episode 52: The new creative team on Daredevil is all the talk these days, and we got the inside scoop. Newly announced Daredevil penciller Michael Lark joined us for an in-depth discussion about what he wants to do with the book as well as his thoughts on comics in general. If you love DD, you don't want to miss this thrilling episode. |
08/31/2005 |
Episode 51: In this episode we defy Gravity. That is Marvel's new book Gravity. We interviewed series penciller Mike Norton about this great new book and all of wondeful comic endevours. |
08/29/2005 |
Episode 50: You asked for it, you got it. A Giant-Sized Anniversary episode. We talked so much, we couldn't fit it in one file. This two-part extravaganza takes a look back at the previous 49 episodes and also thrusts us into the future as we create our own superhero. Join us for the awesome three-hour audio adventure. |
08/25/2005 |
Book of the Month Club - Episode 3: For our third book of the month we selected Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore's The Walking Dead: Volume 1. In our usual Book of the Month Club format we take a very close look at every detail of the book. Whether you like zombies or not, you're gonna love The Walking Dead. Check it out. |
08/24/2005 |
Episode 49: You tuned in just in time for today's special event. We crossed over. No, not into the negative zone, but into another podcast. We spoke with the boys over at the Comic News Insider podcast. In this unusual crossover event we discussed our favorite superhero cartoons. Join the fun. |
08/22/2005 |
Episode 48: Five people just isn't enough. In order to get more cooks in the kitchen, we invited one of our listeners, Bruce Rosenberger, into the studio with us. He joins us for a discussion on Jack Kirby, women in comics, and the top facts every comic geek should know. |
08/18/2005 |
Episode 47: Almost everyone reads Wizard, but did you know there are many other outstanding comic related magazines? In this episode we take a look at all of the publications about comics. From the light-hearted to heavy-hitting journalism, we cover the spectrum. Your mailbox is about to get a lot fuller as you hurry to subscribe to a host of excellent periodicals. |
08/17/2005 |
Episode 46.5: We decided to sneak in an extra episode this week, all because we love you. We're sure you can name the writer, penciller, and inker of you favorite comic, but do you know who the colorist is? Probably not. Most of us forget to pay attention to the amazing artists behind the scenes bringing your books to life with color. Join us as we interview Brian Miller, colorist extrordinaire. Get out your Crayolas, it's gonna be good. |
08/15/2005 |
Episode 46: The Speakers of Geek come to the aid of listener. We attempt to settle a marital dispute by deciding which Star Wars characters belong in which places on a chess board. Do you agree? We also have a long talk about comics from Marvel and DC that more people should be reading. Which books are dreadfully close to cancellation and could use a boost? Which books were cancelled and made a dramatic comeback? Join the discussion and let us know what you think. |
08/11/2005 |
Episode 45: We know you read comics, but do you read books about comics? Well you should. So says Geoff Klock, author of How to Read Superhero Comics and Why. Geoff took some time away from doctoral work at Oxford to talk with us about his book and the current state of superhero comics. Join us for a very energetic discussion. |
08/10/2005 |
Episode 44: In our next episode we discuss some important dates in comics in August. While we're on the topic of history, Kevin gives us a not-so-brief review of Moon Knight's past. How do you feel about cross-overs? Love em? Hate em? We chime in on the debate. And finally, is Artists Alley the best part of a convention? Listen and find out. |
08/08/2005 |
Episode 43: What's a podcast without listeners? Not much. Luckily we've got listeners. Lots of them. As a tribute to our faithful audience we dig deep into the mail bag as we present an all listener email episode. We read their emails and launch into exciting discussions and long-winded diatribes. Join us, and save a stamp. |
08/04/2005 |
Episode 42: In this thrilling episode the indefatigable CGS crew have a lengthy discussion about the future of the comics industry. How can we get cheaper comics? What format should they be in? Why the heck does manga sell so well? All this and more in our newest episode. |
08/01/2005 |
Episode 41.5: In a special episode recorded just today, Comic Geek Speak interviews Wizard Entertainment Group chairman, Gareb Shamus. Listen in and hear what Gareb has to say about his favorite artists, the dawn of the Wizard age, his thoughts on the future of the comics industry, as well as a response to the questions surrounding Wizard World Atlanta 2006. In addition...
 Book of the Month Club - Episode 2: In their second Book of the Month Club episode, the speakers of geek take an in-depth look at Daredevil: Guardian Devil. What was good about this series? What wasn't? How did it change Daredevil for the next 5 years? All these topics and more are discussed, as well as listener opinions and some trivia. Tune in. |
07/28/2005 |
Episode 41: Now podcasting in conjuction with World Famous Comics, the guys talk about the influx of comic related video games. They take a look at Batman Begins, Fantastic Four, Hulk, Marvel Nemesis and Ultimate Spider-Man. They also get into some comic trivia, listener emails and other general comic geekiness. |