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for Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Donald Duck and Friends 329

DONALD DUCK AND FRIENDS #329 [Gemstone; $2.95] has another of the foreign Disney stories I've script-doctored for the publisher. In "Auto Be A Law," our pal Donald has car troubles and asks Gyro Gearloose to help him out. Need I say more?

Yes. I should tell you this story has terrifically funny art by Vicar and that the original version of tale was written by the team of M. Sharland and J. Sutter. Like the other jobs I've done for Gemstone, this one has an added line of which I am particularly proud. See if you can figure out which one.

The fine cover shown above is by Daniel Branca with color by Sue Kolberg. It's a great gag with eye-pleasing hues, a wonderful change of pace from most of what's on the comics racks.

The lead is "The Mad Chemist" by Carl Barks from WALT DISNEY'S COMICS AND STORIES #44 [May, 1944]. A bit more fantastic than many of the early Barks works, this tale, as reported by Gemstone editor John Clark, later became the subject of actual scientific papers, one of them stating that a Donald reference to a chemical compound was years ahead of its time.

Mickey Mouse gets a story in the middle of this issue. He and his pal Butch compete on a "Survivor" type reality show in "A Tale of Two Crusoes" by writer Sarah Kinney and artist Xavi. If I were reviewing this issue, which I was trying to avoid doing because I contributed to it, I'd tell you I got a kick out of it.

I'm discovering it's a thin line between promoting one's work and reviewing comics in which that work appears. I leave it to the loyal legions of TOT readers to tell me whether or not I'm crossing the line or, for that matter, if such line-crossing is a concern of yours. Guide me, Obi-Wan.

Let's see what else I have for you today.



Jack Kirby Collector 42

There was no mistaking the large 10-inch by 15-inch envelope for anything other than the transportation means for THE JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR #42 [TwoMorrows; $9.95]. I'm usually impressed by all of the TwoMorrows magazines and books, but TJKC makes my eyes grow a little wider with each new issue.

The Guardian and the Newsboy Legion get the cover this time. TwoMorrows combined the endpapers Kirby had drawn for his own bound copies of STAR SPANGLED COMICS #7-15 into one grand pin-up and got Kevin Nowlan to ink it. Created by Kirby and Joe Simon, the Legion and their big blue buddy are among my most favorite characters of the Golden Age. I'd love to see all their stories reprinted in the DC Archives format, even those not blessed with the participation of the feature's creators.

The Newsboys definitely have their fans. I know of one comics collector, whose first job was as a newsboy in the 1950s, who was determined to complete his run of their STAR SPANGLED adventures. I haven't seen him in years, but I hope he succeeded.

TJKC publisher John Morrow is yet another Newsboy Legion fan. This issue has his 12-page overview of the feature, the centerpiece of an issue which also contains related articles on Kirby's JIMMY OLSEN run - Jimmy being a sort of senior member of the "firm" - the 1960s revival of the Guardian, and the Kirby/Fourth World influence on LOIS LANE. But, wait, there's more:

Mark Evanier's "Jack F.A.Q.s" column;

a 1970s interview with Kirby;

a trio of pieces on Kirby-influenced comics;

Will Murray's visit to the Fantastic Four movie set;

"Kirby Obscura,";

two big galleries of Kirby pages, some un-inked and some never before published; and,

"This Way to the Gallows," a complete Kirby story from JUSTICE TRAPS THE GUILTY.

If you're a comics fan, you'll want this magazine. If you're a Kirby comics fans, you'll face down Darkseid himself to add this magazine to your collection.

THE JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR #42 picks up a full five out of five Tonys. Kirby is still here!

Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony




In the shadow of Mystery Hill, wonders and curiosities are gathering. Welcome to Kekionga, Indiana, the small town where anything can happen. And probably will.

KEKIONGA #1 [Paradise Valley Comics; $4.95] is, unfortunately, going to be a tough sell for creator/publisher Pam Bliss. I loved this comic book, but five bucks for 40 pages, even with a lovely color cover, is fairly steep. Since Pam is a personal friend of a great many years - decades, even - I know she's priced the book as low as her expenses allowed, but, man, I wish someone like an Oni Press would sign her up and bring her clever, very individual work to a wider audience. Sigh.

Getting back to the comic itself...

Kekionga is a place where strange events happen and stranger things visit. It's a good thing some of its citizens are ready and knowledgeable enough to deal with the more dangerous of the events and visitors. Though the menace is understated, it's there. Also present is the delightful sense of wonder with which Bliss weaves her story. Think of a child's fascination with and easy acceptance of the odd and you have the tone of this work.

Though the five-buck price gave me pause, KEKIONGA #1 earns an impressive four out of five Tonys. For ordering information, head over to the Paradise Valley website:

Tony Tony Tony Tony



This is the section where I bring you newspaper comic strips or panels which "guest-star" other comic-book or strip characters or feature self-referential humor.

Rhymes With Orange

The above RHYMES WITH ORANGE by Hilary Price doesn't precisely fit our CIC profile, but I was so tickled by it that I involved the "It's My Column And I Run Whatever I Want" statute to include it. The strip ran in newspapers on May 30.

You can find more of Price's work at:




You also get a triple dose of Tom Wilson's ZIGGY today. The little guy is usually good for at least one CIC panel every month, but he's clearly on a roll.

Check out THE ZIGGY ZONE at:

And watch for more COMICS IN THE COMICS in future editions of TONY'S ONLINE TIPS.



Every Tuesday, we post new TONY POLLS questions online. A few weeks back, those questions were all based on the nominations for the 21st annual Television Critics Awards, which honor the best of the current TV season as selected by the association's critics and journalists. Here's how you voted...


Daily Show

DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART (Comedy Central).....34.56%
Lost (ABC).....33.82%
Deadwood (HBO).....14.71%
Desperate Housewives (ABC).....9.56%
Arrested Development (Fox).....7.35%

This was one of the closest poll questions ever, but I had to go with THE DAILY SHOW. It exposes the hypocrisy of the folks in power and the folks who want to be in power and makes me laugh while doing so. It may be our last best hope for restoring sanity to the United States.


DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART (Comedy Central).....57.36%
Arrested Development (Fox).....20.93%
Everybody Loves Raymond (CBS).....13.18%
Desperate Housewives (ABC).....4.65%
Gilmore Girls (The WB).....3.88%

I voted for THE DAILY SHOW in this category as well. I not only didn't love Raymond, I didn't even like him.



LOST (ABC).....47.20
Deadwood (HBO).....18.40%
House (Fox).....15.20%
24 (Fox).....12.80%
Rescue Me (FX).....6.40%

I went back and forth between LOST and RESCUE ME. I ended up voting for the Denis Leary show when I realized that, as much as I cared about some of the characters on Lost, I cared about Tommy Gavin and his fellow firefighters more.


Peter Sellers

THE OFFICE SPECIAL (BBC America).....39.24%
Something The Lord Made (HBO).....12.66%
Lackawanna Blues (HBO).....8.86%
Sometimes In April (HBO).....0%

I abstained from voting on this question because I haven't see any of these productions.


Lost (ABC).....42.24%
House (Fox).....19.83%
Veronica Mars (UPN).....18.97%
Desperate Housewives (ABC).....12.07%
Rescue Me (FX).....6.90%

I voted for VERONICA MARS. I think LOST and RESCUE ME are brilliant, and DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES is dark, silly fun. But, save for the concluded NYPD BLUE, no characters got to me more than the Mars family and their neighbors.


Jon Stewart

JON STEWART (Daily Show With Jon Stewart).....59.50%
Jason Bateman (Arrested Development).....14.88%
Ray Romano (Everybody Loves Raymond).....13.22%
Teri Hatcher (Desperate Housewives).....6.61%
Marcia Cross (Desperate Housewives).....5.79%

This was a no-brainer. Of those still active, JON STEWART is the finest comedic performer of our time.


Hugh Laurie

HUGH LAURIE (House).....30%
Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars).....19.09%
Ian McShane (Deadwood).....18.18%
Matthew Fox (Lost).....16.36%
Kiefer Sutherland (24).....16.36%

I voted for KRISTEN BELL. She's a tremendous actress and cute as a sexy button.



SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS (Nickelodeon).....41.05%
Dora The Explorer (Nickelodeon).....27.37%
DeGrassi: The Next Generation (Noggin).....15.79%
Postcards From Buster (PBS).....11.58%
Nick News (Nickelodeon).....4.21%

Every one of these shows is commendable, but I cast my vote for POSTCARDS FROM BUSTER for moral reasons. I wanted to show my support for a program under attack by the forces of bigotry. You know where I stand on the issues of equal rights for all Americans. You probably also know what I think of anyone opposing such basic rights. They can dress up their bigotry anyway they choose, but it remains bigotry.


DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART (Comedy Central).....67.57%
60 Minutes Sunday edition (CBS).....7.21%
Frontline (PBS).....7.21%
Nightline (ABC).....7.21%
News Hour With Jim Lehrer (PBS).....6.31%
Meet the Press (NBC).....4.50%

It's a sad commentary on the current state of the American press that the news program which has been the most courageous in shining a spotlight on the lies and crimes of the Bush junta and its extreme right-wing allies is a faux-news show. THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART is respected not just because it challenges those in power but because it is also fair and balanced in its ridicule of those not in power.

The TCA HERITAGE AWARD honors shows which have had lasting impact on television and popular culture.

Sesame Street

SESAME STREET (PBS).....41.41%
Saturday Night Live (NBC).....32.03%
MASH (CBS).....20.31%
Frontline (PBS).....3.12%
Nightline (ABC).....3.12%

There wasn't a show on this list which didn't deserve this award. I voted for MASH.


Bob Newhart

BOB NEWHART.....56.10%
Bill Moyers.....17.07%
Tom Brokaw.....12.20%
Aaron Spelling.....8.94%
Oprah Winfrey.....5.69%

Bob Newhart is one of the great actors and comedians of all time, but BILL MOYERS got my vote on this one.

Last week's TONY POLLS questions asked you to vote for your favorite pre-INFINITE CRISIS mini-series as well as your favorite first-season episodes of JUSTICE LEAGUE, STATIC SHOCK, TEEN TITANS, and THE BATMAN. Those questions went offline today and we'll bring you the results later this week.

Our new TONY POLLS questions are either online or going online very soon, depending on when you're reading this column. They will include the first of several BATMAN BEGINS questions we're planning and your chance to vote for your favorite second-season episodes of JUSTICE LEAGUE and the rest.

You can vote on the new TONY POLLS questions at:

Thanks for spending a part of your day with me. I'll be back on Thursday with more stuff.

Tony Isabella

<< 06/15/2005 | 06/21/2005 | 06/23/2005 >>

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Zero Tonys
ZERO: Burn your money before buying any comic receiving this rating. It doesn't *necessarily* mean there's absolutely nothing of value here - though it *could* - but whatever value it might possess shrinks into insignificance before its overall awfulness.

ONE: Buy something else. Maybe I found something which wasn't completely dreadful in the item, but not enough for me to recommend it when there are better comics available. I only want what's best for you, my children.

TWO: Basic judgment call. I found some value, but not enough to recommend it. My review should give you enough info to decide if you want to take a chance on it. Are you feeling lucky today, punk? Well, are you?

THREE: This denotes something I find perfectly respectable. There are better books out there, but I wouldn't regret buying this item. Based on my review, you should be able to determine if it's of interest to you. Let the Force guide you.

FOUR: I recommend anything earning this rating. Unless you don't like the genre, subject matter, or past work of the creators, I believe you'll enjoy this item. Isn't it uncanny how I can look right into your soul that way?

FIVE: Anything getting this rating is among the best comicdom has to offer. You should buy/read this, even if the genre/subject matter doesn't appeal to you. It's for your own good. Me, I live for comics and books this good...but not in a pathetic "Comic-Book Guy" sort of way.

Please send material you would like me to review to:

Tony's Online Tips
840 Damon Drive
Medina, OH 44256

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