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Can't get enought of Tony? Here's the place to catch-up on missed columns or, if you've been around, reread your favorite ones.

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06/22/2010 Finale
06/17/2010 I review Siege
06/16/2010 Linda Gold 1949-2010
06/15/2010 Everett True Tuesday!
06/14/2010 I review The Amazing Adventures of Nate Banks #1: Secret Identity Crisis, Secret Identity Crisis: Comic Books and the Unmasking of Cold War America and The Walking Dead Volume 2: Miles Behind Us.
06/09/2010 Some more Everett True comics.
06/08/2010 Some Everett True comics inspired by Marvel Comics' Star Comics imprint.
06/07/2010 I review Amazing Spider-Man #624-629 and more Everett True.
06/04/2010 I review The Newsboy Legion by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby Volume One, Honor Brigade and Toyboy: What Happens in Vegas.
06/03/2010 I feature Everett True, some New Month Meanderings and Tony's Mailbox.
05/31/2010 Memorial Day
05/28/2010 The last of my Free Comic Book Day comics reviews.
05/27/2010 Free Comic Book Day comics reviews continue.
05/26/2010 I review another batch of Free Comic Book Day comics.
05/25/2010 I review a batch of Free Comic Book Day comics.
05/24/2010 I discuss my Free Comic Book Day appearance and review Archie's Summer Splash: Free Comic Book Day Edition #1.
05/21/2010 I review Turok, Son of Stone Volume One and The Chill as well as feature Our Army at War #160.
05/20/2010 I review Blackest Night.
05/19/2010 How many pages does it take to tell a great comic-book story? Get More Tony with Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze.
05/10/2010 I start with an apology. I was expecting to bring you a full-sized column today
04/22/2010 I review Past Sins: The Matthew Grace Casebook and Back Issue #39. Also, I discuss the 87th Precinct book series.
04/21/2010 I feature Naoki Urasawa's Monster Volume 1 along with a little This and That.
04/20/2010 I review Citizens of London: The Americans Who Stood With Britain in Its Darkest, Finest Hour and Heat Wave
04/19/2010 I review The Sandman by Joe Simon & Jack Kirby, Spy Vs. Spy: Danger! Intrigue! Stupidity!, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Intern at Your Risk, Punisher: Dark Reign, The Talisman: The Road of Trials, and Rough Justice: The DC Comics Sketches of Alex Ross.
04/16/2010 I review X-Men Forever
04/15/2010 The "Year of the Tiger" theme continues and I review Walt Disney's Comics #699-702 and Disney's Hero Squad #1-3.
04/14/2010 I review Mega Piranha.
04/13/2010 I review Angel, Angel: Only Human, Angel Vs. Frankenstein, Angel Annual #1, and Angel Special: Lorne.
03/29/2010 Dick Giordano 1932-2010
03/26/2010 I give you a few more "Year of the Tiger" covers.
03/25/2010 I reread Daredevil #119 share with you what I remember about it.
03/24/2010 I review Milestone Forever #1-2. Also, some online love for my Black Lightning writing.
03/23/2010 I review Showcase Presents Secrets of Sinister House.
03/22/2010 Some comments on Adam-12 and I review Airfighters #1.
03/17/2010 I review Detectives, Inc. and The Troubling Stone and feature The Many Ghosts of Dr. Graves #12.
03/16/2010 I review Doc Savage #27: "Murder Mirage" & "The Other World", Doc Savage #28: "The Vanisher" & "The Metal Master", The Shadow #28: "Master of Death" & "The Rackets King", and The Shadow #29: The Shadow's Rival & The Devil Master.
03/15/2010 I review Batman/Doc Savage Special #1.
03/12/2010 I review Solomon Grundy #1-7, Titans #15, and Angel #24-29.
03/11/2010 I review Donald Duck and Friends #347-351 and Prism Comics: Your LGBT Guide to Comics #6.
03/10/2010 I review Chew Vol. 1: Taster's Choice and Dinosaur Valley Girls.
03/09/2010 I review Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight #32, Joe the Barbarian #1 and The Unwritten.
03/08/2010 I tell you about Phantom Generations, which will have two of my tales, and some good 1000 Comic Books You Must Read news. I review Amazing Spider-Man #617-620 and Web of Spider-Man #4.
03/05/2010 I review Green Lantern Corps #33-39. Also, a comic-book reader is teaching the next generation of crime fighters and letters from convicts.
03/04/2010 Vietnamese Batman?! I review The Brave and the Bold: Milestone, Batman: The Brave and the Bold #13, and Green Lantern #39-42.
03/03/2010 The year of the Tiger! I review The Book of Genesis Illustrated by R. Crumb and I'm Still Standing: From Captive U.S. Soldier to Free Citizen - My Journey Home and discuss Staying True.
02/23/2010 Something different for today. Shortly after one of my TOT readers expressed his interest in seeing any of my unsuccessful pitches...
02/22/2010 DC Entertainment names its new executive team last week and my thoughts on this...
02/19/2010 I answer frequently-asked questions about Black Lightning and Misty Knight, two comic-book characters I created.
02/18/2010 The Glyph Awards
02/17/2010 I review Enemies of the People: My Family's Journey to America. Also, I apologize in advance for any intemperate language regarding our current state of the nation...
02/16/2010 I review Superman: World’s Finest Archives Volume 2 and The Big Kahn. Get More Tony with Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze and Essential Daredevil Vol. 5.
02/15/2010 I review The Cartoon History of the Modern World Part II, Marvel Masterworks Atlas Era Menace Vol. 1, and Strange Suspense: The Steve Ditko Archives Vol. 1.
02/12/2010 Valentine's Day Edition: There have been many great comics romances, both in the comics themselves and the lives of their creators...
02/11/2010 I review Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant #1 and DC Universe Halloween Special '09 #1.
02/10/2010 Gosh darn my obsessive imagination...Watchmen 2: Rorschach's Revenge.
02/09/2010 I review You Can Do a Graphic Novel and The Chronicles of Conan: Tower of the Elephant and Other Stories. Also, 1000 More Comic Books? Watchmen 2?
02/08/2010 I feature The Phantom #9 and do some TV Talk on Dollhouse, Fringe and Law and Order.
02/05/2010 I feature Ruff and Reddy #4.
02/04/2010 Mort Walker's Beetle Bailey is a classic American comic strip, a judgment I make without hesitation...
02/03/2010 The Top Ten Reasons Why I Couldn't Write a New "Tony's Online Tips" Column For Today
02/02/2010 I review Alter Ego #89-90 and feature Amy Goes Gluten-Free: A Young Person's Guide to Celiac Disease.
02/01/2010 Breaking up is hard to do... 2000 AD and Judge Dredd Megazine.
01/29/2010 I feature Kathy #19.
01/28/2010 I review Tom Strong: The Deluxe Edition Book One and Four-Eyed Prince. Also, some TV Talk and Tony's Mailbox.
01/27/2010 I review Tokyo Vice: An American Reporter on the Police Beat in Japan, feature Konga's Revenge #2, and discuss the new Human Target TV series.
01/26/2010 I review Black Panther #1-8, The Vietnam War: A Graphic History, and Hero Tomorrow.
01/25/2010 I review Stitches and Batman: The Brave and the Bold.
01/20/2010 I review The Savage Sword of Conan: Volume One.
01/15/2010 I review Dames, Dolls & Delinquents: A Collector's Guide to Sexy Pulp Fiction Paperbacks. Also, review guidelines and Sociable Tony.
01/14/2010 Speaking of Frank Robbins...
01/13/2010 Marvel sent me a copy of Essential Avengers Volume 7.
01/12/2010 Talk about a vision from the past.
01/11/2010 It was a dream come true for my Sainted Wife Barb and my son Eddie.
01/04/2010 I review Amazing Spider-Man.
01/01/2010 So how do you want to do this?

Current | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001

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