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09/08/2008 As I have been working on my book, I came to realize a number of things. I'll share them with you.
08/21/2008 I review The Batman Chronicles Volume 5, Batman and the Outsiders #6, and Batman Confidential #16.
08/20/2008 I review Batman Gotham Knight.
08/19/2008 The Tony Poll results for: What news from Comic-Con International in San Diego was the most exciting for you?
08/18/2008 Some random opening remarks. Then I review Drawing Heroes in the Backyard: Tim Sale: Black and White, Witchblade Volume 1-3, Strip for Murder, Justice League Unlimited: The Ties That Bind, and Leader's High!.
08/15/2008 I review 100 Bullets #90, The All-New Atom#23, and American Splendor Vol. 2 #2.
08/14/2008 I discuss my work on Iron Fist and his foe, Steel Serpent. Comics in the Comics features Funky Winkerbean.
08/13/2008 The Tony Poll results for: Would you like to see a change in editorial direction and management at DC and Marvel Comics? Which companies would you most like to see knock Marvel or DC out of the top two spots? Which choices would you most like to see be the next job for Tony Isabella?
08/12/2008 I feature Dragons Two and a contest!
08/11/2008 I review Super Friends #2, Supergirl #29, and Superman #675.
08/08/2008 I review Doc Savage #16: "The Secret in the Sky" and "The Giggling Ghosts" and Comics in the Comics features editorial cartoonists Rob Rogers, Mike Luckovich, Jim Borgman, and Bob Gorrell.
08/07/2008 I review Batman #675, Comics in the Comics looks at recent mentions of Peanuts, and get more Tony with Essential Fantastic Four Vol. 7.
08/06/2008 I review Mystery in Space Volume Two.
08/05/2008 I review The Batman Strikes #43, Cartoon Network Block Party #43, and Booster Gold: 52 Pick-Up
08/04/2008 I review Dead, She Said #1, Igor Movie Prequel #1, Star Trek: Assignment Earth #1, Tank Girl: Visions of Booga #1, Zombies! Hunters #1, Rough Stuff #8, Gimmick!, High School Debut, Rosario + Vampire, Adam Among the Gods, Seductions and Dead@17 Compendium Edition.
08/01/2008 We're back and we're not back.
07/18/2008 Busy!
07/16/2008 The Tony Poll results for how you rated this summer's Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Incredible Hulk, Get Smart, Wall*E, Hancock, Speed Racer, and Wanted.
07/15/2008 I bring your attention to The Zombie Pop-Up Book.
07/14/2008 I review 52 Aftermath: The Four Horseman, Action Comics #864, Action Comics Annual #11, Bat Lash #5, Cartoon Network Action Pack #24, Gen13 #19, Hellblazer #243, Metal Men #8, The New Dynamix #3, The Programme #10, Rann-Thanagar Holy War #1, and Salvation Run #6.
07/11/2008 I review Batman Confidential #14-15 and Batman and the Outsiders #5.
07/10/2008 I review The Un-Men #8 and The Vinyl Underground #7.
07/09/2008 "Thanks...I think."
07/08/2008 The Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films gave out its 34th Annual Saturn Awards on June 24. Prior to that gala event, we asked our Tony Polls to cast their votes in each of the Saturn categories. Here's how you voted.
07/07/2008 I discuss Mid-Ohio-Con and review The Mammoth Book of Best Horror Comics, Justice League Unlimited #44, Wonder Woman #18, World of Warcraft #5, All Star Superman #10, and American Splendor Volume 2 #1. Also, Celebrating Jack Kirby and Comics in the Comics features Mother Goose and Grimm, Reality Check, and Pearls Before Swine.
07/04/2008 I review The Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder, America's Greatest Comics #6, 100 Bullets #89, Action Comics #863, and All-New Atom #22.
06/23/2008 I discuss that a federal judge has ruled the heirs of Jerry Siegel, the co-creator of Superman, are entitled to a share of the U.S. copyrights to the Man of Steel and how I'm ashamed of you. I review Batman Unauthorized, Fairy Tail Vol 1-2, 2000 AD Extreme Edition, The Virgin Project: Real People Share Real Stories, and Archie's Pal Jughead #1. Tony's Mailbox features a letter from Alan J. Porter regarding my Batman Unauthorized review.
06/20/2008 Official announcement about my new book. I review Potter's Field #1-3, Bat Lash #4, and Wildstorm: Revelations #5-6. The nominations for the 34th Annual Saturn Awards have been announced. Here are the Tony Polls results for your choice of winners in the DVD categories.
06/16/2008 On this date in 1984...
06/13/2008 It's big and it's terrible!
06/12/2008 Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy
06/11/2008 Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy
06/10/2008 Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy
06/09/2008 The amazing journey of Alice Ramsey. Birthday wishes to Bob Bolling, George Perez and Tim Eldred. I review CVO: Covert Vampiric Operations: African Blood, Moon Child Vol. 10 and Madman Atomic Comics #8.
06/06/2008 I discuss the anniversary of D-Day. I review The Candy Bombers, Madame Mirage #3-5, '76 #3, The Authority: Prime #6, Metal Men #7, and Midnighter #17-18.
06/05/2008 What I would do, comic-wise, if I were rich. Black Lightning, Bloggy Bits, Clarifications on Archie & Friends #119, Comics in the Comics features La Cucaracha and the Tony Poll results for questions regarding your use of eBay.
06/04/2008 You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
06/03/2008 It's big and it's terrible!
06/02/2008 I review War Is Hell: The First Flight of the Phantom Eagle #1, Young Magician Volume 11, America's Greatest Comics #8, Archie #584, Archie & Friends #119, Veronica #188, and 2000 AD Extreme Edition. Some Boggy Bits and Comics in the Comics features Eek!, Reality Check, Working It Out, Blondie, and Mother Goose and Grimm.
05/30/2008 I review Black Adam: The Dark Age, some Bloggy Bits, CSI in the Comics features comics that reference TV's CSI franchise, and Tony's Mailbox has some responses to I wrote about this TV season's finales.
05/29/2008 The TonyPoll results for "comics and politics" themed questions.
05/28/2008 I review The Amory Wars, Vol. 1: The Second Stage Turbine Blade and some Bloggy Bits.
05/27/2008 On this date in 1934, Harlan Ellison was born.
05/26/2008 Memorial Day thoughts
05/23/2008 I talk about some of this season's finales. I review What If? Civil War and Dark Ivory #1. Comics in the Comics features Reality Check, a Gary Bookins editorial cartoon, Eek!, and Bizarro.
05/22/2008 I discuss memory and Black Lightnings costume. Then I review Kirby: King of Comics, The Comic Eye, Franklin Richards: Collected Chaos, Great Expectations, Monsters 101, Book One, and Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A To Z Vol. 1. Soe Bloggy Bits and Comics in the Comics features Mother Goose and Grimm.
05/20/2008 I review Timmy's In the Well: The Jon Provost Story, Veronica #187, Welcome To Tranquility Book One, and Young Avengers Presents #2-3. Some Mid-Ohio-Con news and Comics in the Comics features The Flying McCoys.
05/19/2008 What's that, Lassie? Tony's in the well?
05/16/2008 I feature some birthdays that are today: The Sedition Act of 1918, root beer, SpagettiOs, Yvonne Craig and Thom Zhahler.
05/15/2008 I feature Adventure Into Terror #4 and review Toto! The Wonderful Adventure Volume 1 and Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge #374. Also, get more Tony with Essential Fantastic Four Volume 7 and the Tony Polls results for questions regarding Free Comic Book Day and the Iron Man movie.
05/14/2008 It's big and it's terrible!
05/13/2008 What's that, Lassie? Tony's in the well?
05/12/2008 The Tony Polls result for which summer movies you were most eager to see. I review The Ten-Cent Plague and Hulk vs. Fin Fang Foom. I disucss DCU Decisions and Black Lightning's political leanings. Comics in the Comics features Housebroken, FoxTrot, and Evil, Inc.
05/09/2008 "It's big and it's terrible!" and Kaiju in the Comics features Strange Brew, Eek!, For Better or For Worse, and Rubes.
05/08/2008 "It's big and it's terrible!" and Kaiju in the Comics features The Flying McCoys, Clear Blue Water, Working Daze, and Bob the Squirrel.
05/07/2008 "It's big and it's terrible!" and Kaiju in the Comics features Lio, The Quigmans, Strange Brew, and Mother Goose and Grimm.
05/06/2008 I review Best of the West #65 and World War Hulk Aftersmash: Damage Control #1. Kaiju in the Comics features Brewster Rockit: Space Guy!.
05/05/2008 I review Cloverfield and Mad Scientist #16. Kaiju in the Comics features Brewster Rockit: Space Guy!. Huge Mutant Ant Colony with The T Files.
05/02/2008 I feature "The Burning Man" and Comics in the Comics features Mother Goose and Grimm, Herman, Bizarro, The Flying McCoys, and Reality Check.
05/01/2008 Spam is 30 years old today. The Tony Polls results for questions regarding New York Comic Con and how you rated the current Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic series, recently-concluded Legion of Super-Heroes animated series, "Brand New Day" storyline, Secret Invasion event and Spectacular Spider-Man animated series. Also a Max Allan Collins addendum, carification on Michael Fleisher, and Comics in the Comics featuring Bizarro, Non Sequitur, Reality Check, and Strange Brew.
04/30/2008 I review Shambler: An Insider's Novel of the Comic Book World, Love and Cape #7, Sabrina the Teenage Witch #91-92, Satchel Paige: Striking Out Jim Crow, and Tales From Riverdale Digest #26. Comics in the Comics features Funky Winkerbean, Speed Bump, Reality Check, The Flying McCoys and Bizarro.
04/29/2008 I review Wonder Woman #14-17, Young Avengers Presents #1, and newuniversal: Everything Went White. Comics in the Comics features Bizarro, Mother Goose and Grimm, and Strange Brew.
04/28/2008 The Tony Polls results for questions regarding the Superman copyright ruling. A correction for my Bones: Buried Deep review and A Killing in Comics revisited. Comics in the Comics features Triple Take, Rhymes with Orange, Mother Goose and Grimm, and Housebroken. Magazine Watch features The Mammoth Book of Best Horror Comics and Tony's Mailbox prints letters about the Superman copyright ruling, Star Trek: Year Four from artist Gordon Purcell, and the Shadow's political leanings.
04/25/2008 I let you know aobut Screaming Tiki Con and review Bones: Buried Deep and The Brave and the Bold #1. Also, Bloggy Bits.
04/24/2008 I review A la Cart: The Secret Lives of Grocery Shoppers, Action Comics #862-863, Batman and the Outsiders #2-5, Betty #173, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight #7-13. Also, some Black Lightning and Bloggy Bits.
04/23/2008 I review the Spectacular Spider-Man WB animated series, Archie #582, and The Twelve.
04/22/2008 I explain, "I write reviews for comics buyers." Then I review Sentences: The Life of M.F. Grimm, The Shadow #13: Six Men of Evil and The Devil Monsters, Daughter of Dracula, Are We Feeling Safer Yet?, Cairo, The Highwaymen #1-5, and Monster Attack Network.
04/21/2008 It's big and it's terrible!
04/18/2008 What's that, Lassie? Tony's in the well?
04/17/2008 What's that, Lassie? Tony's in the well?
04/16/2008 What's that, Lassie? Tony's in the well?
04/15/2008 What's that, Lassie? Tony's in the well?
04/14/2008 The Tony Polls questions for the first week of April were going to be posted on April Fools Day, I knew I had to go for the laughs. Unfortunately, some of the voters didn't quite get the "humor" thing. No matter. It was all good fun and you'll read their comments...
04/11/2008 The TonyPoll results for when we asked you to choose the political affiliations of a dozen comics heroes and villains. Also, Tom Batiuk on Jim Mooney.
04/10/2008 What's that, Lassie? Tony's in the well?
04/09/2008 What's that, Lassie? Tony's in the well?
04/08/2008 I review Uncle Scrooge #372 and Bat Lash #1-3.
04/07/2008 I review Star Trek Year Four #1 and The Mighty Avengers #5-8. Also, Black Lightning, Bloggy Bits and Comics in the Comics with Cleats.
04/04/2008 What's that, Lassie? Tony's in the well?
04/03/2008 I review Sub-Mariner: Revolution and '76 #1.
04/02/2008 The Tony Polls results for who you'd like to win in the various categories for the Comics Buyer's Guide Fan Awards, some Bloggy Bits and Comics in the Comics with The Flying McCoys, Eek!, Mother Goose and Grimm, and Speed Bump.
04/01/2008 Why I'm ashamed of you, my review of Avengers: The Initiative and Comics In the Comics with La Cucaracha, Shoe, Working It Out, Mother Goose and Grimm, and Working Daze.
03/31/2008 I review Titans East Special #1, Marvel Adventures Iron Man Vol. 2: Iron Armory and Super-Villain Team-Up: Modok's 11.
03/28/2008 I review The Geography of Bliss: One Grump's Search for the Happiest Places in the World, 52 Aftermath: The Four Horseman #5-6, Action Comics #860-861, Angel: After the Fall #3, and Archie and Friends #116. Also, the political leanings of Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Spider-Man, Punisher, Flash, the X-Men, and Aquaman.
03/26/2008 "Like sands through the hourglass... so are the Days of Our Lives." Also, Mid-Ohio-Con lives and the political leanings of Batman, Superman, Iron Man and Captain America.
03/19/2008 The Tony Polls results for the runoff election in the Tony-verse. I review Astro City: Beautie #1, Betty and Veronica Double Digest #157 and Marvel Adventures Hulk Vol. 1: Misunderstood Monster. Entertainment Weekly's "The Charts" feature best-selling graphic novels and comics.
03/13/2008 I share "Tony's Panelist Tips" and review World War Hulk.
03/12/2008 Here's another story-that-never-was from my checkered career. This one would have been for The Unknown Soldier...
03/11/2008 I review Ultimate Spider-Man #117 and Supernatural Law Secretary Mavis #5. Some Bloggy Bits too.
03/10/2008 I review The Midnighter. Tony's Mailbox shares some emails on Superman and "Terrible Tony's Fire and Brimstone!" column on Spider-Man: One More Day.
03/07/2008 Ohio held its primary elections last Tuesday. In my hometown of Medina, as in most of the state, there were other issues on the ballot as well. I was pretty excited about these primaries...
03/06/2008 I review All-New Atom #20 and Red Letter Christians. Happy Birthday, Al Milgrom. Some Bloggy Bits and the Tony Polls results for: How likely are you to buy/read a comic nominated for an award and which potential projects of mine would you be most interested in reading?
03/05/2008 I review JSA Classified #28-31 and Ultimate Marvel Team-Up: Ultimate Collection.
03/04/2008 The Tony Polls results for how your vote compared to mine for the winners of this year's Golden Raspberry Awards. Lightning Round Reviews of Archie's Double Digest #185, Archie's Pals 'N Gals Double Digest #118, Dondi, Infinity Inc., Innocent, and Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four Vol. 7: The Silver Surfer. Also, Birthdays, Black Lightning, and Bloggy Bits.
03/03/2008 I review MAD's Greatest Artists: The Completely MAD Don Martin, Minima! Volume 1, Yozakura Quartet Volume 1, The Manga Bible: From Genesis to Revelation, and Deadly Beloved with Birthday shout-outs to Max Allan Collins and Dan Mishkin. Also, Comics in the Comics features Monty and Prickly City.
02/29/2008 This is the column I never wanted to write...
02/28/2008 I review The All-Star Companion Volume Three
02/27/2008 The results of the general election in the Tony-verse... a tie!
02/26/2008 I review Showcase Presents World's Finest Volume One
02/20/2008 The primaries are over! The Marvel, DC Comics, Comic Strips, and All Others parties have selected their candidates for President of the United States in the Tony-Verse. Here are the results of last week's voting...
02/19/2008 The Script With No Name and some Bloggy Bits with some discussion on the future TOT and the Tony Polls.
02/14/2008 The first round of Tony Polls primaries asked voters to choose their favorite presidential candidates in the Marvel, DC Comics, Comic Strips, and All Others parties. These are the results.
02/13/2008 Steve Gerber remembered
02/12/2008 America, Jr. guest review by Mark Dooley, Aranzi Machine Gun, Vol. 1 guest review by Steve Chaput and some Bloggy Bits.
02/11/2008 Terrible Tony's Fire and Brimstone on Spider-Man: One More Day, Comics in the Comics features Crankshaft and Lio and Tony's Mailbox with an email about the upcoming presidential elections.
02/08/2008 Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge #369 Guest review by Tony Collett.
02/07/2008 Civil War: Peter Parker, Spider-Man guest review by Jim Bosomworth and Spider-Man: Feral guest review by Kurt Wilcken. Plus, Bloggy Bits.
02/05/2008 Tony Polls results for favorite current members of the Justice League of America, least favorite current members, and who you'd most like to see rejoin.
02/01/2008 I review Gen 13: Best of a Bad Lot, Children of the Grave, and Full Color. Also, Bloggy Bits and Comics in the Comics features Arlo and Janis, Speed Bump, and La Cucaracha, Curtis and Frazz.
01/31/2008 I review Justice League of America #13-15. Also, Black Lightning, Bloggy Bits, Comics in the Comics featuring Strange Brew, Blondie, Eek! and cartoon by Steve Kelly. For Derision 2008, I weigh in on the elections.
01/29/2008 The Golden Raspberry Award Foundation honors the worst in motion pictures with its annual Razzies. We asked our Tony Polls voters to weigh with their choices for which movies and performers should be given the award in each of the categories.
01/28/2008 I review Adrenaline #1-5 and Baby and Me with Lightning Round Reviews for Ghost Rider Volume 3: Apocalypse Soon, Jughead and Friends Digest #26, The Overman #1-2, Pax Romana #1, Sabrina #90, Shark-Man #1, and Veronica #186. Also, Bloggy Bits.
01/25/2008 I review Hunter's Moon as well as Lightning Round Reviews of 5 Shots, Ant TPB: Days Like These, Ants Vol. 2 #1, Ant Unleashed #1, and Bipedal, By Pedal. Some Boggy Bits and Guy Gilchrist's Cartoonist's Academy.
01/24/2008 I review Aya. Also, a Black Lightning sketch card by Jay Fife, some bloggy bits and Comics in the Comics with La Cucaracha, Frank & Ernest, Betty, Working Daze, and The Fusco Brothers
01/23/2008 Since Spider-Man: One More Day remains the talk of comicdom, we ran a second week of questions on the events. Here are the results...
01/22/2008 This is kind of sort of the mission statement of this column and its writer...
01/21/2008 I review Syracuse Heroes Expo, Mid-Ohio-Con, A Thorn in the Side: The Story of Johnny Hopper, Holly Jolly Christmas Comics, Moonstone's Holiday Super Spectacular, Life Maxx, and Love and Capes #6. An addendum regarding the future of Mid-Ohio-Con.
01/18/2008 Ultimate Green Arrow
01/17/2008 I review Eric Jerome Dickey's Storm
01/16/2008 Tony Poll results for: How you rated Spider-Man: One More Day, will you continue buying Amazing Spider-Man, which current version of Spider-Man is your favorite, how you rated World War Hulk, and interest in the upcoming Secret Invasion event.
01/14/2008 I review The Marvel Vault: a Museum-in-a-book With Rare Collectibles From The World of Marvel and Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E.. Also, Doc Savage #14: "The Man of Bronze" and "The Land of Terror" and an email with thoughts from Mark C. Dooley regarding the Spider-Man reboot.
01/11/2008 My Circus Squad! pitch. Also, The Ultimate Super-Villains, I review Irredeemable Ant-Man Vol. 2: Small-Minded and Tony Poll results for question regarding Marvel and DC cross over events.
01/10/2008 "Whacko the Hockey Puck", I review Ultimate Spider-Man #116, and Comics in the Comics features 9 Chickweed Lane and Candorville.
01/09/2008 What I wrote Stan Lee and I review The Last Fantastic Four Story, MW, The Best American Comics 2007, Essential Daredevil Vol. 4, and Hero.
01/08/2008 For gifts, I recommend Lisa's Story: The Other Shoe, Dreams With Sharp Teeth, Kirby: King of Comics, Star Trek: The Sky's the Limit, Doc Savage and The Shadow books by Nostalgia Ventures, and Godzilla DVDs. I review Alan Moore's Complete WildC.A.T.S., Alan Moore: Wild Worlds, Devilish Greetings: Vintage Devil Postcards, The Mammoth Book of Best War Comics, and Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age U.S.A. Comics Vol. 1.
01/07/2008 "Jamaica Me Laugh", I review Crime Bible: The Five Lessons of Blood, William Ashley Vaughan reviews The Complete Chester Gould's Dick Tracy Volume 2, Black Lightning fan art, and Comics in the Comics features Bob the Squirrel.
01/04/2008 I discuss Mid-Ohio-Con and review The Shadow #9: "Lingo" and "Partners of Peril", Teen, Inc., Arf Forum, John Romita...and All That Jazz!, Ode to Kirihito, Showcase Presents The War That Time Forgot, Squadron Supreme: Hyperion Vs. Nighthawk, and Spider-Girl Presents The Buzz & Darkdevil.
01/03/2008 I feature When Ghost Rider Met Elfquest, I review The Complete Chester Gould's Dick Tracy Volume 3, I discuss Fantagraphics Spring/Summer catalog, snapshots features photos of Louis Isabella and Phyllis Coates, and Tony Poll results for: Which Marvel storylines you would most like me to write about, your favorite trainee in Avengers: The Initiative and your favorite member in the Mighty Avengers, New Avengers, Illuminati, and Omega Flight.
01/02/2008 I comment on Comic-Con 2007 and review the 52 novelization, Just When You Thought Things Couldn't Get Worse, Jack Kirby's Silver Star, Volume 1, Miki Falls: Spring, and Mothra Vs. Godzilla.
01/01/2008 I feature Walt Disney's Comics and Stories 28, I review Back Issue #25, Comics in the Comics features Bizarro, Get More Tony with Essential Captain America Vol. 4 and The Tony Poll results for how you rated the Countdown series and what Showcase Presents you would buy if made available.

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