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The Japanese Beetle! #01: In The Beginning

Story Guide

Character Bios

The Japanese Beetle

Real name: Ken Watanabe
Occupation: professional superhero
Marital status: don't make me laugh.
Group affiliation: deputy of the Skyline City police department
Known relatives: mother, father (deceased?)
Place of birth: Osaka, Japan
Base of operations: Thanatos Towers, Skyline City, USA

Ken Watanabe was a ordinary college student when one day, at a frat party, he decided to become a superhero in order to pick up women. After hastily acquiring a jet pack and assembling a uniform from the clothes in his closet, he assumed the identity of the Japanese Beetle. Since then, he's clashed with supervillains such as the Flying Squirrel, Multifacet, and the Monsters of Socialism.

Distinguishing features: None.

Strength level: The Japanese Beetle has the normal human strength of a man his age, height, and build who doesn't like to exercise but gets plenty of it anyway.

Powers: None. (It has been theorized that he has an affinity for super-technology, which would explain how he was able to create things like his jet pack, his ray gun, and an army of self-replicating robot slaves...)

Equipment: The Japanese Beetle uses a jet pack which allows him to fly at subsonic speeds, and a ray gun which fires beams of concussive energy.

Appearances: As the protagonist, the Beetle is in a good 80% of all strips. If you're interested in specific stories, why not start from the beginning, check out his origin, or check out our archives?

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The Japanese Beetle and all related characters are copyright ©1998 - 2002 by Dave "The Knave" White and Chris White. All rights reserved. Any passing resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead or otherwise, is purely coincidental except when it isn't. Really, we swear. Please don't sue us.
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