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The Japanese Beetle! #01: In The Beginning

Story Guide

Character Bios


Real name: unknown
Other aliases: The Neapolitan Man
Occupation: professional supervillain
Marital status: unknown
Group affiliation: former CEO of Steve & Edie's Ice Cream
Known relatives: none
Place of birth: unknown
Base of operations: Skyline City, USA

The man currently known as Multifacet was just another small-time hood until he was thrown into a vat of radioactive ice cream during a "routine police interrogation." When he emerged, he had been transformed into a tri-polar criminal genius.

In his first known public appearance, he teamed with the Flying Squirrel to win the popular TV game show, Seven.

Several months later, apparently low on cash, Multifacet and his gang attempted to rob Skyline City's Third National Bank. The robbery was unsuccessful, though he did succeed in taking Sarah Pleininthal hostage. In an attempt to impress Sarah, the Japanese Beetle managed to defeat Multifacet in single combat. It didn't work.

Later that year, Multifacet was released from jail by the Monopulley corporation, which made him CEO of their "Steve & Edie's Ice Cream" division in an attempt to drive out the original founders, whose social conscience was interfering with the company's profitability. Alas, Monopulley's plan backfired and Multifacet seized control of the company, using doped ice cream to facilitate a string of bank robberies. Fortunately, the Japanese Beetle was able to track and defeat him fairly easily.

Multifacet is currently in police custody, awaiting trial.

Distinguishing features: Multifacet's body is divided into three colored stripes, much like a tub of Neapolitan ice cream. The left side of his body is strawberry, the middle is vanilla, and the right side is chocolate.

Strength level: Multifacet has the normal human strength of a man his height, weight, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise.

Powers: None.

Limitations: Multifacet is incapable of planning crimes that do not involve bank robbery.

Appearances: 12/13/99 12/20/99 02/14/00 02/21/00 02/28/00 03/06/00 11/27/00 12/04/00 12/11/00

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The Japanese Beetle and all related characters are copyright ©1998 - 2002 by Dave "The Knave" White and Chris White. All rights reserved. Any passing resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead or otherwise, is purely coincidental except when it isn't. Really, we swear. Please don't sue us.
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