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The Japanese Beetle! #01: In The Beginning

Story Guide

Character Bios

Mister Mortimer

Real name: Death
Occupation: landlord, end of all things
Marital status: widower
Group affiliation: leader of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Known relatives: wife (deceased)
Place of birth: unknown
Base of operations: Thanatos Towers, Skyline City, USA

The exact origins of death are have been lost to the sands of time. Some believe that he is a primal force of nature which came into existence shortly after the beginning of the universe. Others believe that he was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, which is often thought of as being as close to death as you can get real life.

In the aspect of Mr. Mortimer, Death operates Thanatos Towers, an apartment complex in Skyline City whose tenants include the Japanese Beetle and the Flying Squirrel. Mortimer himself lives in apartment A-O with his late wife and her cats, as well as the burden of being the scourge of all humanity.

At the beginning of the year 2000, Mr. Mortimer tried to assemble the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to destroy the world, only to discover that they were all lamentably out of shape. He then spent a whole year obsessively getting himself into shape - only to have his plans collapse in 2001 when the other Horsemen turned out to be incompetent.

Distinguishing Features: Mr. Mortimer is a walking skeleton. Is that distinguishing enough for you?

Strength level: Mr. Mortimer has the normal human strength of a skeleton his height, weight, and build who engages in no regular exercise - that is to say, hardly any at all.

Powers: Mr. Mortimer is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. He holds ultimate power over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. Space and time are mere playthings to him. He also has the power to collect the rent.

Equipment: Mr. Mortimer rides a pale horse.

Appearances: 08/17/98 09/14/98 10/12/98 03/12/99 03/15/99 04/19/99 08/09/99 08/16/99 12/27/99 01/01/01

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The Japanese Beetle and all related characters are copyright ©1998 - 2002 by Dave "The Knave" White and Chris White. All rights reserved. Any passing resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead or otherwise, is purely coincidental except when it isn't. Really, we swear. Please don't sue us.
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