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Chase Villens
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We don't want you getting lost, so we're keeping every week's story for you! Catch-up on missed episodes or reread your favorite ones here.

2005-2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999

12/27/2002 #183 - Bingo Saves Christmas! Part 5 - And so, as dawn was breaking on a bright, new Christmas...
12/20/2002 #182 - Bingo Saves Christmas! Part 4 - Gosh A-Might, Boy! The North Pole at last...!
12/13/2002 #181 - Bingo Saves Christmas! Part 3 - The operation's a success!
12/06/2002 #180 - Bingo Saves Christmas! Part 2 - On his way to the North Pole, Bingo met...
11/29/2002 #179 - Bingo Saves Christmas! Part 1 - One day, Bingo was in the woods visiting his friend...
11/22/2002 #178 - The whole cast of Chase Villens is making their annual trup to the Hilton Hotel at Easton for Mid-Ohio-Con...
11/15/2002 #177 - Happy Birthday to George!!!
11/08/2002 #176 - This week's thrilling episode finds Chase, Kenny and their little neighbor, Jeffy (a.ka. Runs-With-Scissors-Boy) engaged in their favorite activity...
11/01/2002 #175 - After a Halloween night of candy-driven debauchery...
10/25/2002 #174 - Halloween with Chase and the gang...
10/18/2002 #173 - Ladies and gentleman, the gutter patrol has left the building...
10/11/2002 #172 - Things looked grim for America's favorite tipster until an impassioned plea from the Masked Man of Mettle, Courageous Man, produced a volunteer...
10/04/2002 #171 - Beloved Columnist, Tony Isabella finds himself at the mercy of Toonschlagen's gutter patrol...
09/27/2002 #170 - The world was shocked today to learn that...
09/20/2002 #169 - Chase has arranged meeting with Kenny, the Incredible Zolt and beloved columnist, Tony Isabella...
09/13/2002 #168 - We interrupt this episode of "Gary Coleman's Rat Patrol" for a special report...
09/06/2002 #167 - Yipes stripes! It's another Minnie and Maxie cartoon!
08/30/2002 #166 - Hey kids! It's time for another Minnie and Maxie cartoon!
08/23/2002 #165 - Due to an unexpected family emergency, Chase's return will be delayed yet again... In the meantime, enjoy the adventures of a couple of other neighbors of Chase...
08/16/2002 #164 - Gee Gosh Willickers! It's another Runs with Scissors Boy Adventure!
08/09/2002 #163 - It's time for... FAQs of the Super Hero! Featuring Runs with Scissors Boy.
08/02/2002 #162 - Chase Villens is going on vacation with his family for a few weeks so, in his place, we're presenting several adventures of his neighbor and fellow junior crime crusher, Runs-with-Scissors-Boy...
07/25/2002 #161 - This week's episode of Chase Villens won't be presented because Chase and Kenny are...
07/19/2002 #160 - Hey boys and girls! It's time for another installment of Chase Villens' Mailbag! With Chase Villens and Kenny DuFaas...
07/12/2002 #159 - In order to avoid being written out of this strip, Professor Throckmorton invoked Clause Thirteen of the Toonschlagen charter... Sadly, Queen Fritzi countered with Sub-Paragraph 111557-GB, which states that some character must take the Professor's place...
07/05/2002 #158 - Happy Birthday, America..!
06/28/2002 #157 - Toonschlagen, hidden somewhere in the Swiss Alps...
06/21/2002 #156 - Let's review...
06/14/2002 #155 - We interrupt this regular scheduled episode to present a special installment of...
06/07/2002 #154 - The Professor has been captured by the Gutter Patrol and Agent Google (the World's Greatest Search Engine) is reporting in...
05/31/2002 #153 - Chase, Kenny and Chase's mom face off against the gutter patrol...
05/24/2002 #152 - George Broderick, Jr. Comics and Stories..!
05/17/2002 #151 - The gutter patrol is searching Chase's room for signs of the Professor...
05/10/2002 #150 - Meanwhile, in the throne room of Toonschlagen, somewhere in the Swiss Alps...
05/02/2002 #149 - We interrupt this episode of Chase Villens for a special news presentation...
04/26/2002 #148 - The Professor has been telling Chase and Kenny DuFaas all about the exotic Fritz, Toonschlagen and the sinister "Colonel L"...
04/16/2002 #147 - Crimefighter Dude...
04/12/2002 #146 - Kenny has just joined Chase in listening to the Professor's tale of woe...
04/05/2002 #145 - Now that Chase is done fooling around with his hypnotized father, his attention wanders back to the Professor... still hiding under Chase's bed...
03/29/2002 #144 - Happy Easter, Joyous Passover and April Fools...
03/22/2002 #143 - Porky Pine Pals, featuring Spike, Nails and Li'l Jaggerz...
03/15/2002 #142 - The Professor has been found! After month's of hiding under Chase's bed, Mortimer K. Throckmorton has been caught with his trousers down (metaphorically speaking, of course) and must now reveal all to Chase...
03/08/2002 #141 - Chase has been hearing voices in his room and no one believes his story that the house is possessed (actually, it's the voice of the Professor hiding under chase's bed... but Chase doesn't suspect a thing...)
03/01/2002 #140 - George hasn't been able to come up with a funny idea all week, but fortunately...
02/22/2002 #139 - Chase has heard voices in his room (really the Professor hiding under his bed) and has come to the erooneous conclusion that his house is possessed...
02/15/2002 #138 - A rare opportunity to see the genius of the creative process at work... Chase Villens creator George Broderick gives Webmaster Justin a call to talk about this week's strip...
02/08/2002 #137 - Let's recap... The Professor is presumed to be missing and Chase has no clue to his whereabouts... In reality, though, he's living under Chase's bed... and the only one who's had any contact with him is Chase's Dad... Who has been hypnotized into bringing the professor his meals and daily paper...
02/01/2002 #136 - We interrupt your regularly scheduled episode of Chase Villens for a special presentation...
01/24/2002 #135 - Professor Throckmorton is still AWOL...! Chase has looked everywhere for his mentor and friend, but to no avail! Meanwhile, life in the Villens household ambles along at a leisurely pace... with Dad wrapped up in the playoffs and frequent visits from Kenny DuFaas...
01/18/2002 #134 - All-Beef Frank ...after retrieving the sacred gem-encrusted Tanduri Chicken from the Chinese Government for display at the British Institute, Frank and gristled Sea Captain, Josiah Skuttle, find themselves being chased across the Mongolian Steppes by Tang and his bandit hordes...
01/11/2002 #133 - The Professor is still missing! And our boy Chase is filling in his friend, Kenny DuFaas on the latest developments in his search...
01/04/2002 #132 - The Professor is still missing! Chase has searched everywhere but to no avail... Now, our hero sits in his room and ponders the fate of his friend...

2005-2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999

Chase Villens >> Chase Archives | About George

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