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for Monday, February 28, 2005

2000 AD 1410

Let's close out this month's columns by catching up with one of my favorite comics magazines, 2000 AD. Spread out before me are issues #1407-1419 [9/15/04 through 12/8/04] of the weekly which has thrilled U.K. readers for decades.

2000 AD stars the harder-than-nails Judge Dredd and a rotating assortment of other sci-fi, horror, and fantasy series, some black-and-white, some in color, some fully-painted. Prog 1407 saw Dredd going up against a futuristic "witch" in a darkly humorous done-in-one episode by writer Alan Grant and artist David Roach. If said witch looks somewhat familiar...


...keep in mind that the title of the story was "B*w*tch*d." This tale was followed by the 12-part "Total War," one of the best Dredd serials in years.

Here was a threat worthy of Dredd and the Judges: a terrorist group plants nuclear devices throughout Mega-City One. Unless the Judges disband and leave the city, the terrorists will detonate the bombs. Though the Judges commonly abuse basic human rights, here, for the moment, they become the lesser of evils. It's a thoughtful premise for readers in a post 9/11 world.

"Total War" has a surprising human interest element as well, with first Dredd and then his niece Vienna being asked to authorize the euthanasia of a "relative," a Judge trainee cloned from Dredd's brother and suffering from incurable and progressive neural decay. The balance between the explosive action and the very human drama is superb throughout the serial.

"Total War" should be marked for a graphic album collection as soon as possible. It's a classic Dredd thriller by co-creator John Wagner and artist Henry Flint.

2000 AD 1407

CABALLISTICS INC. by Gordon Rennie and Dom Reardon concluded its latest serial in Progs #1407 and #1408. I'm not fond of this series or its demon-fighting protagonists. It pales besides such clear predecessors as Marv Wolfman's NIGHT FORCE and Mike Mignola's B.P.R.D. My other major problem with it is that neither Rennie nor Reardon do a good job delineating the characters. That said, there was fun to be had from this particular adventure, which concerned a demonically-possessed movie studio in homage to the Hammer Films of the 1960s and 1970s.


Sam Slade was the original ROBO-HUNTER, a private eye who went after missing and rogue robots. These days, Sam is a disembodied head and the hunting is being done by his granddaughter Samantha, assisted by Sam's robotic companions Carlos and Hoagy. Written by Grant and drawn by Ian Gibson, it's an entertaining mix of action and hilarity. Besides, how could I not love a story that features a giant robot dinosaur? This current ROBO-HUNTER story concluded in Prog #1411 with Samantha no longer reluctant to enter fully into the family business.

2000 Ad 1413

ASYLUM II was the sequel to the Rob Williams/Boo Cook serial set in a future where "Earth's nations have sealed themselves off beneath huge domes. The planet allegedly remains a safe haven for refugee aliens allowed to live on an island in the Pacific...after processing in orbiting holding stations. Hold off on singing those kumbiyas, though...because the aliens are feared and hated by many of Earth's citizens. This sequel was featured in issue #1406-#1414 of the weekly.

I have mixed feelings about ASYLUM. The two serials have both featured intriguing characters and developments, but neither quite came together. I got the feeling another pass by an experienced editor was sorely needed. Even so, I liked what Williams and Cook did enough that I wouldn't say "no" to an ASYLUM III.

2000 AD 1215

STRONTIUM DOG is a favorite of 2000 AD readers, myself among them. It stars bounty-hunting mutant Johnny Alpha and his Viking pal Wulf Sternhammer in adventures that echo the overall theme of prejudice and alienation of Marvel's X-Men. This time out, mutant activists have kidnapped a king as a means of gaining equal rights, unaware that there are forces who want to see the king dead so that they can oppress and slaughter mutants indiscriminately. Written by Wagner and drawn by Carlos Ezquerra, this satisfying serial ran in #1406-1415.

From time to time, 2000 AD runs short non-series stories under umbrella titles like "Past Imperfect" (basically "What If" tales) and "Future Shocks." Issue #1409 had the far-from-perfect "Alice's Adventures in Whitechapel" from the former category while #1410 had the more amusing "Escape" from the latter.

2000 AD 1411

Genetically modified ex-soldier LOBSTER RANDOM - he has claws grafted to his sides - returned in #1411-1419. Random's occupation as a freelance torturer leaves me cold, but, in this serial, writer Simon Spurrier and artist Carl Critchlow managed to overcome that. I chuckled at Random's interrogation of a psionic musician and his sexual interest in things mechanical. They even threw in a twist re: Random's claws. I'm not completely sold on the character, but I am warming up to him.

2000 AD 1412

FACES - in Progs #1412-1419 - was a delight on several levels. Sequel to a serial which first and only appeared in 1987, it marks the return of writer Mindy Newell to comics. Co-written and drawn by John Higgins, who is Newell's husband, it's a "Romeo and Juliet" tale of espionage and star-crossed romance which raises the specter of more interdimensional intrigue in the future. The lead players, self-obsessed dot com millionaire and ladies' man Carl and shape-changing alien babe Kilquo, are unlikely lovers, but I hope we'll be seeing them again soon. I'd also like to see both the original serial, which I haven't read, and this new one collected into one volume. It would definitely be a keeper.

Future hitmen SINISTER DEXTER make a one-issue appearance in 2000 AD #1415. Dan Abnett's "Off-Ramp" is Eisner-esque in that the lead characters only appear in the final page of this neat little story. Art is by Jack Lawrence.

2000 AD 1416

Secret agent SYNNAMON returned for a short serial (#1416-1418) which revealed her secret origin, an origin of which she herself is unaware. The writing is adequate, the art somewhat better, but I'm not yet feeling any love for this series. Perhaps when the heroine returns later this year, the revelations of this serial will lead to more interesting stories.

2000 AD 1418

More enjoyable was THE RED SEAS (#1416-1419) by Ian Edginton and Steve Yeowell. While the main characters of this swashbucklers and sorcery series were off having their previous adventure, their supporting players had this own adventure back home in 18th century England. Big fun was had by all.

2000 AD #1407-#1419 was an exceptionally good run of the title with JUDGE DREDD's "Total War" serial making the issues as close to must reading as it gets. On our scale of zero to five, I'm giving these issues the full five Tonys.

Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony



Re: yesterday's comments about the manga makeover of JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS. I have been informed that Tania del Rio is writing but not drawing the story which will appear in TALES FROM RIVERDALE DIGEST #2. However, since the style shown in Archie's promotional materials seems similar to hers, I'm not changing my statement that an entirely different manga look, perhaps something along the lines of Hiroyuki Nishimori's CHEEKY ANGEL, would be preferable in this instance.



Every Tuesday, we have new TONY POLLS questions for balloting amusement. Two weeks ago, we asked you to vote on the various DVD categories of the Saturn Awards, which are given out every year by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films. We'll learn the actual winners in May, but here's how you voted in these categories...

Which of these Saturn nominees would get your vote for BEST DVD RELEASE?

THE LION KING 1 1/2.....38.89%
The Lost Skeleton Of Cadavra.....25.93%
Bionicle 2: Legends Of Metru-Nui.....7.41%
Ju-On: The Grudge.....7.41%
Starship Troopers 2: Hero Of the Federation.....7.41%

I voted for THE LOST SKELETON OF CADAVRA, which was the only one of the above I've seen. If you haven't seen this campy little gem, you should.


Spider-Man 2/Special Edition.....23.88%
Hellboy/Director's Cut.....10.45%
Shrek 2.....2.99%
King Arthur/Extended Unrated Version.....1.49%
Chronicles of Riddick/Unrated Director's Cut.....0%

I didn't vote in this category. Though I saw Spider-Man 2 and Hellboy on the screen, I haven't seen any of these special edition releases.


Dawn Of the Dead/Ultimate Edition.....22.22%
THX 1138....17.46%
Fearless Vampire Killers.....7.94%

I went back and forth between ALADDIN and DUEL here, but went with the latter.


The Monster Legacy Collections.....20.29%
The Marx Brothers Silver Collection.....17.39%
The Best of Abbott and Costello/Vol. 1-3.....8.70%
The Ultimate Matrix Collection....7.25%
The Tarzan Collection.....4.35%

I don't own any of these, but voted for the one I would most like to have: THE MONSTER LEGACY COLLECTIONS. Actually, I'd love to have all of these collections, save for the manifestly overrated Matrix and Star Wars. You know where to send the hate e-mail; I think it'll be a nice change-of-pace from the venomous notes I get from right-wingers.


THE SIMPSONS/SEASONS 4 & 5.....41.27%
Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Seasons 2 & 3.....33.33%
Smallville/Seasons 2 & 3.....11.11%
Star Trek: Voyager/Season 1-7.....7.94%
Farscape/Season 4.....4.76%
A Wrinkle In Time.....1.59%

This was another tough one. I went with THE SIMPSONS, but I came *this* close to voting for two of my favorite seasons of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER.


JONNY QUEST.....35.82%
Star Trek: The Original Series.....31.34%
Night Gallery/Season 1.....17.91%
Lost In Space/Seasons 1 & 2.....11.94%
Land Of the Lost/Seasons 1 & 2.....2.99%
My Favorite Martian/Season 1.....0%

Jonny Quest was a good show, but STAR TREK made far more of an impression on me and thus got my vote.

I'll have more results for you next time around.

In the meantime, today is your last day to vote on the current TONY POLLS questions. We're asking you to make your choices in the TV categories of the Saturn Awards and, boy howdy, are some of the races close. You can cast your ballots at:

Thanks for spending a part of your day with me. I'll be back soon with more stuff.

Tony Isabella

<< 02/27/2005 | 02/28/2005 | 03/01/2005 >>

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Zero Tonys
ZERO: Burn your money before buying any comic receiving this rating. It doesn't *necessarily* mean there's absolutely nothing of value here - though it *could* - but whatever value it might possess shrinks into insignificance before its overall awfulness.

ONE: Buy something else. Maybe I found something which wasn't completely dreadful in the item, but not enough for me to recommend it when there are better comics available. I only want what's best for you, my children.

TWO: Basic judgment call. I found some value, but not enough to recommend it. My review should give you enough info to decide if you want to take a chance on it. Are you feeling lucky today, punk? Well, are you?

THREE: This denotes something I find perfectly respectable. There are better books out there, but I wouldn't regret buying this item. Based on my review, you should be able to determine if it's of interest to you. Let the Force guide you.

FOUR: I recommend anything earning this rating. Unless you don't like the genre, subject matter, or past work of the creators, I believe you'll enjoy this item. Isn't it uncanny how I can look right into your soul that way?

FIVE: Anything getting this rating is among the best comicdom has to offer. You should buy/read this, even if the genre/subject matter doesn't appeal to you. It's for your own good. Me, I live for comics and books this good...but not in a pathetic "Comic-Book Guy" sort of way.

Please send material you would like me to review to:

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840 Damon Drive
Medina, OH 44256

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