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"America's Most Beloved Comic-Book Writer & Columnist"

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for Wednesday, April 6, 2005

House of Mystery 79

You're not experiencing an episode of deja vu. I have run this Jack Kirby cover previously. Here's what I wrote about it in the April 1 edition of this column:

HOUSE OF MYSTERY #79 [October, 1958] has perhaps the weakest of the covers Kirby drew for the various DC "mystery" titles. The problem is the dull design of "The Creature From Inner Space." I'm not impressed that "it's walking on water and burning everything in its path." It's still a really dumb-looking monster and one, I'm guessing, which was originally envisioned by Ruben Moreira, artist of the story.

However, after seeing the cover for MY GREATEST ADVENTURE #18 [November-December, 1957], which predates the above cover by close to a year, I figure I owe an apology to Ruben Moreira. Take a look for yourself:

My Greatest Adventure 18

Aside from their color, the two monsters could be brothers or, at least, close cousins. Since Kirby drew "I Tracked the Nuclear Creature" in this issue, he more than likely designed the creature who appeared in the story and repeated the design for the HOUSE OF MYSTERY cover months later. This earlier cover has more punch, but it isn't one of Kirby's stronger efforts. And I still think that's one dumb-looking monster.

MY GREATEST ADVENTURE #18 also featured:

"We Discovered the Edge of the World" (drawn by Nick Cardy);

Moolah the Mystic (a half-page gag by Henry Boltinoff);

"Galloping Ghost" (pencilled by Irwin Hasen, inked by Bernard Sachs; reprinted from DETECTIVE COMICS #157, March, 1950);

"Mystery of the Spectral Lights" (text by Jack Miller); and,

"I Was a Prisoner in the House of Secrets" (drawn by George Roussos). What's this story doing here? Did it take a wrong turn at the House of Mystery?

I have two more Kirby covers in this series. I'll try to get to them by the end of the week.

Let's see what else I have for you today.



Monday's papers brought two more examples of self-referential humor in comic strips. Oddly enough, both are from the vast "Mort Walker empire" of classic cartooning fun.

We have this from BEETLE BAILEY:

Beetle Baily

And this from HI AND LOIS:

Hi and Lois

Look for more COMICS IN THE COMICS in future TOTs.



New TONY POLLS questions were posted yesterday, but we'll talk about those in a few paragraphs...after we bring you the results of last week's balloting.

Catherine Zeta Jones

Here are the semi-finalists in our WHO SHOULD PLAY WONDER WOMAN competition. Vote for your favorite.

Lucy Lawless.....15.44%
Morena Baccarin.....13.97%
Catherine Bell.....11.76%
Charisma Carpenter.....11.76%
Jennifer Connelly.....11.03%
Monica Bellucci.....6.62%
Melina Kanakaredes.....6.62%
Kate Beckinsdale.....2.21%
Keira Knightly.....2.21%

Any semi-finalist who 10% of the vote or more moved up to the final ballot. This time around, I voted for LUCY LAWLESS because I really wanted to see her on the final ballot. But I'm going to take a long look at Catherine Zeta Jones as well.

The Incredibles

The 2005 HUGO AWARDS will be given out at the 63rd World Science Fiction Convention, which takes place in Glasgow, August 4-8. In the category of BEST DRAMATIC PRESENTATION/LONG FORM, which of these nominees would get your vote?

Spider-Man 2.....22.52%
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.....13.51%
Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow.....12.61%
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.....3.60%

I voted for THE INCREDIBLES. My Sainted Wife Barb gave me the DVD for Easter. Look for a review later this month.

The Lost

In the category of BEST DRAMATIC PRESENTATION/SHORT FORM, which of these nominees would get your vote?

ANGEL: Not Fade Away.....22.83%
ANGEL: Smile Time.....21.74%
STARGATE SG-1: Heroes Part 1 & 2.....2.17%

Through the runs of both ANGEL and BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, they never got the awards they deserved. I voted for ANGEL's "Not Fade Again" of the best series finales ever.

Green Lantern Rebirth 4

Which of these items would you most like to see reviewed in TONY'S ONLINE TIPS?

Fables: The Mean Season.....12.61%
Green Lantern Archives Volume 5.....8.40%
Fallen Angel #19.....7.56%
JLA Classified #4.....7.56%
JSA: Princes of Darkness.....7.56%
JSA #71.....5.88%
Gotham Central #29.....5.04%
Firestorm #11.....4.20%
Human Target #19.....4.20%
Justice League Unlimited #7.....4.20%
JLA: Pain of The Gods.....3.36%
Flash #219.....2.52%
Hawkman #37.....2.52%
Hellblazer #205.....2.52%
Justice League Elite #9.....2.52%
Fables #35.....1.68%
The Intimates #5.....1.68%
Constantine-Hellblazer Special: Papa Midnite #2.....0.84%
JLA #111.....0%

In case you were wondering, I stopped voting on these review questions because, hey, if I want to review something I can do it whether you vote for it or not. It's good to be the king.

However, I was surprised no one voted for JLA. Historically, it's been a popular title and it's currently being written by fan-favorite writer Kurt Busiek. Go figure.

Promethea 32

Which of these items would you most like to see reviewed in TONY'S ONLINE TIPS?

PROMETHEA #32.....16.51%
Lex Luthor: Man of Steel #1.....14.68%
Legend #1.....10.09%
Promethea Book Four.....10.09%
Manhunter #7.....9.17%
Powerpuff Girls #59.....6.42%
Ocean #4.....5.50%
Sleeper: A Crooked Line.....5.50%
Looney Tunes #124.....2.75%
Lucifer #59.....2.75%
Nightwing #104 & #105.....2.75%
Richard Dragon #10.....2.75%
Robin #135.....2.75%
Majestic #2 & #3.....1.83%
Scooby-Doo #94.....1.83%
Scooby-Doo Volume 3: All Wrapped Up.....1.83%
Sleeper Season Two #9.....1.83%
Losers #21.....0.92%
The Razor's Edge #5.....0%
Scooby-Doo Vol. 4: The Big Squeeze.....0%

I'm two years behind reading PROMETHEA. Reading this finale issue is gonna blow my mind, isn't it?

Teen Titans 21

Which of these items would you most like to see reviewed in TONY'S ONLINE TIPS?

TEEN TITANS #21.....17.39%
Space Ghost #4.....12.17%
Superman: Strength #3.....12.17%
Solo #3.....9.57%
Wonder Woman #213.....8.70%
Terra Obscura Volume Two #6.....7.83%
Y: The Last Man #31.....6.96%
Toe Tags Featuring George A. Romero #6.....6.09%
Swamp Thing #13.....4.35%
Tom Strong #31.....4.35%
Trigger #3.....3.48%
The Twilight Experiment #2.....2.61%
Teen Titans Go! #16.....1.74%
Wild Girl #4.....1.74%
The Witching #9.....0.87%

My goal for April is to review all of the winners for all of these review polls I've run. Wish me luck.

In this week's TONY POLLS, we have the final stage of our "Who Should Play Wonder Woman" competition...and three more questions of the "What Should Tony Review" variety. You can cast your votes in all of these categories at:

May Athena guide you towards wise choices!



Daisy Kutter

My pal MARC MASON sent this brief note following the results of one of our previous "review" polls:

Your readers let you down. Kazu Kibuishi's DAISY KUTTER: THE LAST TRAIN was one of the best and most completely underrated bits of entertainment of the year...and Viper Comics did a fantastic job on the trade.

Your recommendation is good enough for me, Marc. Win or not, I'm adding DAISY KUTTER to my April review pile.



I'll let ANTHONY TOLLIN have pretty close to the last word via an e-mail he sent me on the April 1 TOT:

Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Let's remember that back in the 1950s, a DC cover may not have been based on an interior story. In those days, the interior story was often based on the previously conceived cover, which is why 1950s-60s DC covers were often so much better than today. Covers were often designed to really grab a potential customer, and the interior story created after the fact to justify the cover concept.

Harlan Ellison recalled in one of his audio tapes working for a science fiction publisher who had covers printed up a half-dozen or more at a time, with cover art and story titles that had nothing to do with previously commissioned stories. If they wanted to get the writing assignment, Harlan and other freelancers would then sell the editor/publisher on what a great idea they had that would go with that cover art or pre-printed story titles.

You're right. Many DC covers were created and stories written around them afterward and that might - or might not - have been the case with the covers I ran last Friday. Would that those editors or more of those artists were around today so we could learn which was which with more certainty.

I extend my thanks to Anthony and all the loyal legions of TOT readers for spending a part of their day with me.

I'll be back soon with more stuff.

Tony Isabella

<< 04/05/2005 | 04/06/2005 | 04/07/2005 >>

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Zero Tonys
ZERO: Burn your money before buying any comic receiving this rating. It doesn't *necessarily* mean there's absolutely nothing of value here - though it *could* - but whatever value it might possess shrinks into insignificance before its overall awfulness.

ONE: Buy something else. Maybe I found something which wasn't completely dreadful in the item, but not enough for me to recommend it when there are better comics available. I only want what's best for you, my children.

TWO: Basic judgment call. I found some value, but not enough to recommend it. My review should give you enough info to decide if you want to take a chance on it. Are you feeling lucky today, punk? Well, are you?

THREE: This denotes something I find perfectly respectable. There are better books out there, but I wouldn't regret buying this item. Based on my review, you should be able to determine if it's of interest to you. Let the Force guide you.

FOUR: I recommend anything earning this rating. Unless you don't like the genre, subject matter, or past work of the creators, I believe you'll enjoy this item. Isn't it uncanny how I can look right into your soul that way?

FIVE: Anything getting this rating is among the best comicdom has to offer. You should buy/read this, even if the genre/subject matter doesn't appeal to you. It's for your own good. Me, I live for comics and books this good...but not in a pathetic "Comic-Book Guy" sort of way.

Please send material you would like me to review to:

Tony's Online Tips
840 Damon Drive
Medina, OH 44256

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