
Reviews and commentary by Tony Isabella
"America's Most Beloved Comic-Book Writer & Columnist"
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for Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Is the new DC Comics logo actual news or the comics industry equivalent of a botox injection? Judging from the coverage it has received from every comics news website, dozens of comics-oriented blogs, and now, this column, widely known inside my head as *the* gold standard of online comicdom, I guess we have to consider this to be actual news. I thought we were better than this.
The new DC logo has been described as a facelift, a marketing strategy, and the heralding of a new age of success in the realms of theatrical releases, TV shows, video and DVD, video games, comic books, graphic novels, toys, and collectibles, as well as something called "global brand alliances" (Coca-Cola with Joker venom?). Me, I'm waiting for the Zatanna's Secret lingerie shops.
One dark rumor has Jean Loring murdering the former DC bullet logo and the further revelation that the old logo was, at the time of its death, pregnant with Johnny DC's child. DC representatives would neither confirm or deny this report.
Among the professional comics community - where I am currently on double-secret probation - come further reports that there will be massive editorial, executive, and creative shakeups at DC Comics itself. I hear these about once a year or more. I wouldn't state unequivocally that such shake-ups - known as "inviting your ass to succeed elsewhere" - are out of the question, but, as always, they won't effect me beyond that I hope my friends at DC all end up in good or better places when and if it happens. On a personal level, and I may be tempting fate here, it's hard for me to conceive that changes at DC Comics could make me less happy with how the company has dealt with me and my creations over the years, but that doesn't mean I wish ill to anyone there.
Okay. You got me. It doesn't mean I wish ill to anyone other than a *few* people there.
The logo change won't mean a darn thing if DC doesn't deliver. Great box-office for BATMAN BEGINS and SUPERMAN RETURNS will boost the company more than an cosmetic branding changes. On the comics side, returning their characters to their more classic incarnations would also be a boon across the board. You don't have to crap on everything that's gone before to create a quality product and, with truly creative editors and writers, you can still tell exciting, intriguing tales while adhering to the core concepts and portrayals of DC's impressive library of characters.
Ultimately, a strong and successful DC Comics, like a strong and successful Marvel Comics, is good for the comics industry as it currently exists. Their presence keeps the comics shops open and helps promote comics awareness beyond the comics shops. In turn, that can open doors for alternative, independent, and more creator-friendly comics publishers.
So, concerns and differences aside, I do wish DC Comics great success in the coming years.
Thanks for spending a part of your day with me. I'll be back tomorrow with more stuff.
Tony Isabella
<< 05/10/2005 | 05/11/2005 | 05/12/2005 >>
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ZERO: Burn your money before buying any comic receiving this rating. It doesn't *necessarily* mean there's absolutely nothing of value here - though it *could* - but whatever value it might possess shrinks into insignificance before its overall awfulness.

ONE: Buy something else. Maybe I found something which wasn't completely dreadful in the item, but not enough for me to recommend it when there are better comics available. I only want what's best for you, my children.
TWO: Basic judgment call. I found some value, but not enough to recommend it. My review should give you enough info to decide if you want to take a chance on it. Are you feeling lucky today, punk? Well, are you?
THREE: This denotes something I find perfectly respectable. There are better books out there, but I wouldn't regret buying this item. Based on my review, you should be able to determine if it's of interest to you. Let the Force guide you.
FOUR: I recommend anything earning this rating. Unless you don't like the genre, subject matter, or past work of the creators, I believe you'll enjoy this item. Isn't it uncanny how I can look right into your soul that way?
FIVE: Anything getting this rating is among the best comicdom has to offer. You should buy/read this, even if the genre/subject matter doesn't appeal to you. It's for your own good. Me, I live for comics and books this good...but not in a pathetic "Comic-Book Guy" sort of way.
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