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The Japanese Beetle! #01: In The Beginning

Story Guide

Character Bios

The Frenchman

Real Name: unknown
Occupation: professional supervillain, restarauteur
Marital status: unknown
Group affiliation: Owner of T.G.I.Frenchy's
Known relatives: none
Place of birth: Veracruz, France
Base of operations: T.G.I.Frenchy's, Skyline City, USA

The criminal mastermind known only as the Frenchman first came to notoriety when he used his Peruvian insanity salsa to enslave the waitstaff and customers of his "Nacho Hut" restaurant in Skyline City. His ultimate plan - to conquer the world with his insanity salsa - was ultimately foiled by the Japanese Beetle.

After his initial defeat by the Japanese Beetle, the Frenchman went about quietly rebuilding his restaurant, changing its name to "T.G.I.Frenchy's" and hiring Frank Chao to serve as his manager. He very rarely made public appearances during this time, though he did briefly appear to sign a food services contract for Skyline City University.

Recently, the Frenchman perfected a "passive-aggressive cow disease" which he used to taint Skyline City's beef supply. Though his plans to corner the meat market were thwarted by the Japanese Beetle, he still remains at large.

Distinguishing features: The Frenchman is never seen in public without his luchadore mask, sarape, and sombrero - and still somehow manages to think he's French.

Strength level: The Frenchman has the normal human strength of a man his height, weight, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise.

Powers: None.

Equipment:The Frenchman's insanity salsa can sap a man's will and turn him into a mindless zombie, and goes really well with nachos.

08/24/98 09/07/98 11/30/98 12/07/98 06/21/99 09/20/99 10/04/99 03/20/00 02/19/01 02/26/01 03/05/01

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The Japanese Beetle and all related characters are copyright ©1998 - 2002 by Dave "The Knave" White and Chris White. All rights reserved. Any passing resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead or otherwise, is purely coincidental except when it isn't. Really, we swear. Please don't sue us.
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