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The Japanese Beetle! #01: In The Beginning

Story Guide

Character Bios

Joe McCarthy

Real name: Joseph Raymond McCarthy
Occupation: anti-Communist crusader
Marital status: unknown (presumably widower)
Group affiliation: agent of the Central Intelligence Agency
Known relatives: none
Place of birth: Appleton, Wisconsin
Base of operations: Washington, D.C.

Joe McCarthy was a U.S. senator who dominated Washinton politics in the early 1950s with his sensational charges of Communist subversion in high government circles. However, McCarthy's influence waned when he was unable to prosecute any communists, and he wound up being censured by the Senate.

Though history books claim that McCarthy passed away in 1957, McCarthy is still obviously alive and kicking today. He claims he was actually cryogenically frozen by the C.I.A. and is thawed out occasionally to battle manifestations of international Communism.

McCarthy's first public appearance in the late '90s saw him come out of cold sleep to battle the Monsters of Socialism with the aid of Japanese Beetle. Thus began an informal alliance between the two heroes, who have teamed on two subsequent occasions to stop the plans of Kremlina Stalinova.

Recently, McCarthy became aware of the Japanese Beetle's recent romantic attachment to Kremlina. What will become of this is as yet unknown.

Distinguishing features: None.

Strength level: Joe McCarthy has the normal human strength of a man his height, weight, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise.

Powers: Joe McCarthy can smell Communist activity happening over a hundred miles away. Don't ask for an explanation of how he does it - it's a gift.

Appearances: 09/28/98 10/05/98 04/05/99 04/12/99 11/01/99 11/08/99 06/26/00 07/03/00 01/22/01

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The Japanese Beetle and all related characters are copyright ©1998 - 2002 by Dave "The Knave" White and Chris White. All rights reserved. Any passing resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead or otherwise, is purely coincidental except when it isn't. Really, we swear. Please don't sue us.
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