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The Questionnaire
Real name: unknown The costumed criminal known as the Questionnaire first made his appearance at ExCon'99, the annual gathering of the Supervillains of America, where he was booked as the keynote speaker. After delivering his keynote address, he imprisoned the audience of supervillains in a stasis field and stole their stuff. A trail of clues left behind after the crime were intended to point any possible pursuers away from his final destination, Bermuda, but he was ultimately tracked down and tbrought to justice when the Japanese Beetle and Skyline City's police commissioner chased him onto a nude beach. The Questionnaire somehow escaped custody, and turned up as a contestant on the popular game show, Seven. He soon fell to the physical might of the Flying Squirrel and Multifacet, however. Several months later, the Questionnaire emerged as a member of the Evilcratic Party. When the Flying Squirrel and Doc Ness used Hypnotron to seize control of the party, the Questionnaire was hypnotized and ejected. The Questionnaire's current whereabouts are unknown. Distinguishing features: The Questionnaire has no nose and only four fingers on each hand. Strength level: The Questionnaire has the normal human strength of a man his height, weight, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise. Powers: None. Appearances: 06/28/99 07/05/99 07/12/99 07/19/99 12/13/99 12/20/99 07/24/00 07/31/00 |
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World Famous Comics > About | Columns | Comics | Contests | Features The Japanese Beetle and all related characters are copyright ©1998 - 2002 by Dave "The Knave" White and Chris White. All rights reserved. Any passing resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead or otherwise, is purely coincidental except when it isn't. Really, we swear. Please don't sue us. Published online by World Famous Comics. Terms of Use . Privacy Policy . Contact Info |