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FROM THE CYBERDEN for 04/27/2005
So Where the Hell Have I Been?
Not contributing to this space, obviously.
Being a lazy slug? Well, yes, partially that. The other part, though, has to do with something I thought I'd never do again, not after finishing the prose version of Knightfall over 11 years ago. (Eleven years? Already?) Which is: write a novel against a stringent and unforgiving deadline. The book is another adaptation, again featuring everyone's favorite Dark Knight Detective, the ol' Caped Crusader himself, the elder half of the Dynamic Duo. The book is called Batman Begins which, by no coincidence whatsoever, is also the title of a megabucks movie which graces a multiplex near you on June 17 and, probably, for the rest of the summer.

I signed a document that absolutely forbids me to divulge anything whatsoever about either the film or the book, so you might as well not ask. Mum is definitely the word from this quarter.
But I don't think anyone will mind if I reveal that I liked working on the novel, a lot, despite the deadline, and I may have learned something about my craft from the doing of it. I only hope that I managed to do it reasonably well.
I also did some consulting on the Batman Begins video game which is based on the movie. Wow. Video games have come light years since I fooled around with Mario and his brother at about the time I was writing the aforementioned Knightfall. The few minutes of the game I saw were amazing.
A recommendation before I revert to lazy slugdom--call it a Recommended Reading, if you so choose: A book by Jonathan Lethem titled The Disappointment Artist has a lot of thought-provoking observations about pop culture embedded in autobiographical essays. I've never read anything quite like it. A piece on Marvel Comics and another on Philip K. Dick were particularly interesting.

The book is done. The work on the game is done. Marifran scowls when I blow deadlines. All of which means I'll try to be back soon.
<< 12/01/2004 | 04/27/2005 | 06/22/2005 >>
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