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From the Cyber Den
An online column by comics legend Denny O'Neil

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FROM THE CYBERDEN for 06/22/2005

Is it okay to talk about it yet?

Before I began writing the novelization of the current Batman movie and did some consulting on the video game of the same name, I signed a non-disclosure agreement. I promised not to go around blabbing about the film's plot, characters and/or surprises. Mum was the word, lest my lack of discretion incur some unspecified but presumably hideous sanction. I neither noticed nor thought to ask how long I was supposed to honor the contract. Forever? Or just until the film was in wide release?

Batman Begins Batman Begins Video Game

At this writing, according to the New York Times, Batman Begin's box office receipts total over 75 million dollars, American. That means that 10 million people, give or take, have seen it. My novel has been available at the local Barnes & Noble since June 10, if not earlier. There have been reviews, interviews, historical essays, Does anyone who might conceivably care about the flick not know about it?

Must my lips stay zipped?

I shrug.

I'll play it safe and stand mute for another month or so.

But I don't think anyone in a corporate office would mind if I asked you for help, so I will. What I need is a catalogue of all the comic book influences in the movie. For example, one scene involving a lot of bats and an insane asylum was obviously adapted from Batman: Year One. Another, involving the approach to a mountaintop monastery, was probably inspired by a story Christopher Priest wrote. There's some of my old stuff in the mix, too.

But what else?

Anything you can do to fill in the blanks will be mightily appreciated. Unless I feel a chill breath on the back of my neck, I'll write more about this next time.

Meanwhile, happy summertime.


<< 04/27/2005 | 06/22/2005 | 07/27/2005 >>

Discuss this column with me at my Denny O'Neil Message Board.

Recent Installments:
NEWESTThis Morning's New York Times (10/21/2005)
07/27/2005Jim Aparo may not have known how good he was.
06/22/2005Is it okay to talk about it yet?
04/27/2005So Where the Hell Have I Been?
12/01/2004From the Den's Mrs.
11/01/2004Well, I'm back again. Sort of.
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