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After the Golden Age by Alvin Schwartz

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Here's the place to catch-up on missed columns or, if you've been around, reread your favorite ones.

Curent | 2001-2002 | 1999-2000

12/30/2002 Vol. 2, #60 This week, I had every intention of further clarifying my notions of...
12/23/2002 Vol. 2, #59 Today, is my day to sound off
12/16/2002 Vol. 2, #58 BB & BS
11/11/2002 Vol. 2 #57 Essentially, I'm trying to open up a new path in criticism.
11/04/2002 Vol. 2 #56 THE BOX (v2 of Col. How We Live)
10/28/2002 Vol. 2 #55 Back in 1948, when Spencer Klaw of The New Yorker approached me to ask how I could write philosophical novels like The Blowtop and write Superman at the same time, I couldn't resist turning the whole thing into a joke.
10/21/2002 Vol. 2 #54 Remember-You Saw It Here First!
10/14/2002 Vol. 2 #53 Last week, I wrote about a guy who was credited with writing some of my Batman stories...
09/30/2002 Vol. 2 #51 Qu'ils mangent des brioches!
09/23/2002 Vol. 2 #50 Set Me Straight, Folks
09/16/2002 Vol. 2 #49 It Almost Sounds Like a Comic Strip Plot...
09/09/2002 Vol. 2 #48 Religion is powerful and dangerous stuff
09/02/2002 Vol. 2 #47 The Theoretical Physicist Julian Barber
08/26/2002 Vol. 2 #46 Thongden is Real, not fictional!
08/19/2002 Vol. 2 #45 I am Not Alvin Schwartz
08/12/2002 Vol. 2 #44 I Dream of Superman
08/05/2002 Vol. 2 #43 On Buzzy and Stan Kaye
07/29/2002 Vol. 2 #42 Something very strange is going on with my column.
07/08/2002 Vol. 2 #40 We all have many personalities living within us.
07/01/2002 Vol. 2 #39 The End of the Superhero
06/24/2002 Vol. 2 #38 A Very "Moving" Letter
05/20/2002 Vol. 2 #37 So this is farewell...
02/25/2002 Vol. 2 #25 Superman an Existentialist?
02/18/2002 Vol. 2 #24 Who's Spoofing Whom?
10/22/2001 Vol. 2 #23 I have managed to miss the most important change happening right under our noses.
10/15/2001 Vol. 2 #22 Today, I will be talking about epistemology.
10/01/2001 I will be appearing on New York's FM Station WBAI-99.5 FM on the program NUFF SAID.
09/24/2001 Vol. 2 #21 The Girl on the Olive Oil Can
09/17/2001 Vol. 2 #20 At the moment there is little I can add to the great wealth of commentary that has flooded the nation and its media since the terrorist tragedy of the past week...
09/10/2001 Vol. 2 #19 The Movie I Wish I Hadn't Seen
09/03/2001 Vol. 2 #18 Comics are turning into movies. Movies are turning into comics. Both comics and movies are turning into best-selling books. And vice-versa...
08/27/2001 Vol. 2 #17 How Bizarro Rescues Superman
08/20/2001 Vol. 2 #16 The Deconstruction of Superman and Other Interesting Questions
08/13/2001 Vol. 2 #15 In the years of working on Superman, I always found myself struggling to overcome his blandness.
08/06/2001 Vol. 2 #14 Mythic Powers and Copyrights
07/30/2001 Vol. 2 #13 My first Comic-Con International in San Diego
07/16/2001 Vol. 2 #12 Superman's true appeal was to the dispossessed
07/02/2001 Vol. 2 #11 My columns, if I may say so, are kind of zucky lately.
06/25/2001 Vol. 2 #10 ...but yesterday was a double whammy for me.
06/18/2001 Vol. 2 #9 And comics is dying, because we're not focusing on the kids, or was that the adults and the whole schtick?
06/11/2001 Vol. 2 #8 Reinventing ALVIN SCHWARTZ
06/04/2001 Vol. 2 #7 Thoughts For Writers
05/28/2001 Vol. 2 #6 Rich Morrissey 1953-2001
05/21/2001 Vol. 2 #5 To this day, I am unable to explain what the personality of Roy, or of any channeled personality consists of.
05/14/2001 Vol. 2 #4 You'll remember that Waldemar had proposed that we sit facing each other on opposite sides of a large sketch pad, my hand holding his, as he made a stab at automatic writing...
05/07/2001 Vol. 2 #3 As I try to get on with my very strange story, the story of how I freed myself from Weisinger's weight (pun intended) in my writing life, I find myself flooded with all sorts of ideas, unorganized, detailed, connected in a variety of ways...
04/30/2001 Vol. 2 #2 Last week I used the phrase, the door opened wide, to explain how my feelings of outrage and frustration (which I shared with many others) at working with Weisinger, finally got dissipated...
04/23/2001 Vol. 2 #1 The year was 1948, and I had been doing comics since 1939, nine years, of which six, beginning in 1942, had been with DC.

Curent | 2001-2002 | 1999-2000

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