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#01: In The Beginning Story Guide Character Bios |
Cheryl the Secretary
Real name: Cheryl The secretary known as Cheryl first came to prominence when she was hired by the Flying Squirrel to manage his venture capital firm, Deep Woods Capital. As the Squirrel's executive assistant, she was instrumental in helping select villains to fund. Cheryl was assisting the Flying Squirrel in his takeover of the Evilcratic Party when Hypnotron systematically eliminated the officers of the party. At this point, Cheryl disappeared. She resurfaced several months later as Multifacet's executive assistant. However, when he tried to make her a regular member of his gang, she blew him off. Though she was present at Multifacet's defeat at the hands of the Japanese Beetle, she disappeared before she could be arrested. Cheryl's current whereabouts are unknown. Distinguishing features: None. Strength level: Cheryl has the normal human strength of a woman her height, weight, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise. Powers: None. Appearances: 03/27/00 04/10/00 04/17/00 04/24/00 09/04/00 11/27/00 12/04/00 12/11/00 |
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World Famous Comics > About | Columns | Comics | Contests | Features The Japanese Beetle and all related characters are copyright ©1998 - 2002 by Dave "The Knave" White and Chris White. All rights reserved. Any passing resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead or otherwise, is purely coincidental except when it isn't. Really, we swear. Please don't sue us. Published online by World Famous Comics. Terms of Use . Privacy Policy . Contact Info |