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Here's the place to catch-up on missed installments.

08/12/2009 Keeping the Spirit Alive - Jeff Yandora and Wayne Wise on Phantom of The Attic's Spirit of Comics Retailer Award nomination
05/27/2009 Pictures at An Exhibition - Richard Rubenfeld on the Michigan Comics: Mirth, Mockery and Mayhem from the Tri-Coastal State art show
05/06/2009 The Dream Goes On - Neil Gaiman on 20 Years of The Sandman and The Graveyard Book
03/18/2009 Figures in the Sand - Manuel Auad on The Art of Alex Niño
02/18/2009 The Best He Can - Ron Garney on working with Jason Aaron on Wolverine
12/31/2008 A Walk on the Weird Side - Bill Plympton talks Idiots and Angels and making films
12/10/2008 Dreamcatcher - Brian "BMan" Babendererde on Soul Chaser Betty
11/26/2008 The Many Faces of Evil - Ronn Sutton on courtroom drawing and more
05/07/2008 Innocence Lost - Kevin Boze and Stasia Kato on The Virgin Project
04/23/2008 London Calling - Joel Meadows on Studio Space and Tripwire Annual
04/09/2008 More Fun and Laughter on the Campaign Trail - Tom Filsinger talks Election Daze and more
03/19/2008 Fun and Laughter on the Campaign Trail '08 - Stan Lee on Election Daze
02/27/2008 Passing Time Down South - Mat Johnson on Incognegro
02/13/2008 And Now, For Something Completely Different - Véronique Tanaka talks with Nicola Peruzzi and Antonio Solinas of De:Code about Metronome
01/16/2008 Night Moves - Steve Hamilton on Night Work and more
01/02/2008 The Perfect Mix - Joe Keatinge on editing the Popgun anthology
11/28/2007 Improvisations - Naomi Nowak talks about House of Clay, her creative process and ... the accordion
10/31/2007 Gettin' in Tooned - John Read on the launch of Stay Tooned! Magazine
10/17/2007 An All Mod Con - Brian Germain on Xcape CON 1 and more
08/15/2007 Lost in Translation - Michael R. Morris on writing, directing and filming Last Seen at Angkor
08/01/2007 The Shape of Things Begun... and Hints of What's to Come - Mike Gold on the recent past, the present state and the possible futures of
07/25/2007 In the Limelight - Charles Pelto on Classic Comics Press
07/11/2007 The Historical Realist - Brian M. Kane on James Bama: American Realist
06/20/2007 The Bittersweet Symphonies of David Yurkovich - David Yurkovich on Mantlo: A Life in Comics and Death by Chocolate: Redux
05/09/2007 On the Road Less Traveled - Jesse Rubenfeld on Into the Dust
04/18/2007 Paint it Black - Carl Wyckaert on Barron Storey's Life After Black
01/03/2007 Extraordinary Things to Come - Alan Moore on the content and multimedia aspects of the forthcoming The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Black Dossier
09/27/2006 Show and Tell - Greg Jurls on Hero Video Productions and The Alchemy of Art: David Mack
09/13/2006 Who Was That Masked Man? - David Michael Beck on Jonah Hex and more
08/23/2006 Variations on a Master's Themes - Dawn Brown on the return of Ravenous
08/09/2006 The Fine Art of Making Fine Art Books - John Fleskes on Flesk Publications' 2006 Releases and Backlist
07/19/2006 Harvest - Joshua Dysart on the end of his Swamp Thing run and what comes next
06/28/2006 Sweet Liberty - Brendon and Brian Fraim on America Jr. and so much more
05/10/2006 Heart of Gold - Manuel Auad of Auad Publishing on Jordi Bernet and Clara
04/26/2006 40 pages and An American Mule - Adam Wallenta on American Mule's Public Enemy comic series
03/29/2006 MirrorMask - Interview with Dave McKean on his and Neil Gaiman's film, MirrorMask
02/22/2006 In Pursuit of His Muse - R. Kikuo Johnson on Night Fisher
02/08/2006 Hacking the Bible ... and Reality itself - Douglas Rushkoff talks about writing Testament
01/25/2006 Testify! - Liam Sharp on drawing Testament and other topics
12/07/2005 The Quick Witted and the Deadpan - Todd Livingston on The Living and The Dead
10/26/2005 SNAP! Crackles with Pop Culture Goodness! - Dan and Katie Merritt on the inaugural SNAP! convention
09/14/2005 The Master of The Industry of War - Jordan Raskin on the making better comics by making cartoons and movies, among other things
08/31/2005 Master of His Reality - Steve Rude on how he creates his art...and life
07/27/2005 Opposition Attracts - Timothy Truman on the return of Scout, creating comics, and more
06/29/2005 Remake==Remodel - Bill Baker talks about what's happening with Baker's Dozen
05/04/2005 The Inhuman Comedy - Jeff Smith on the end of Bone
04/13/2005 Poison Pen - Doug Paszkiewicz on the Essential Arsenic Lullaby
03/23/2005 Welcome to the Real World...Again - Mike Grell on the return of Jon Sable, Freelance
03/09/2005 Sign of the Times - Rich Watson on The Glyph newsletter
02/16/2005 An All-American Original - Howard Chaykin on American Flagg! and the Dynamic Force collections
02/02/2005 A Kick in the TV Eye - Jimmy Palmiotti on Painkiller Jane being optioned by the SCI-FI Channel
01/12/2005 Alan Moore Spells It Out - Alan Moore on the connections between creativity, language, and magic
01/05/2005 Eternal Optimist - Michael Moorcock on six decades in fantasy, returning to Elric and more...
12/29/2004 Here There Be Wonders... - Thomas Yeates conducts a tour of Al Williamson: Hidden Lands
12/15/2004 SOS - Eric Adams on his strange and hilarious Lackluster World
11/17/2004 From the Mouths of Babes - Seth on designing The Complete Peanuts
11/10/2004 William Stout: The Well-Tempered Artist - The highly accomplished and celebrated artist discusses his work, his ethos, and staying fresh
11/03/2004 Here There Be Dragons...and More! - Jerry Carr on Cryptozoo Crew
10/27/2004 Bustin' on the Bush Leaguers - Josh Dysart on his unappologetically political comic, Tex!
10/20/2004 Comics Journalism 101 - Joe Sacco discusses his approach to Comics Journalism
10/13/2004 Shoplifters of the World Unite - Dave Roman on Jax Epoch, Vol. 2
10/06/2004 This Strip's Got Legsy! - Dennis Budd and Joe Caramagna on Model Operandi
09/29/2004 Respect Yourself - The Brothers Goldman on Everyman: Be The People
09/22/2004 The Trouble with Harry - Charles Fulp gives with the skinny on Harry Johnson
09/15/2004 Fear the Reaper - Chris Mills on the hard nosed men and hard hearted dames populating the world of his Gravedigger: The Scavengers
09/08/2004 Paranoia as a Life Choice - Allan Gross on Doctor Cyborg: Outpatient, writing comic books, comic strips, and lyric
09/01/2004 Revealed at Last -- The Secret and Terribly Interesting History of Tabloia! - Chris Wisnia on Tabloia, working with Sam Kieth on Ojo and more
08/25/2004 Something Wicked from the West this Way Comes - Robert Tinnell on The Wicked West, writing comics and films, and much, much more
08/11/2004 The Look of Things to Come - George Broderick on the Complete Suicide Blonde
07/28/2004 Master of All Trades, Jack of None - An Interview with Witches Artist Will Conrad
07/21/2004 Blood, Sweat and Iron - Mike Malbrough on the sci-fi graphic novel Fire Proves Iron: Grounded Stars
07/14/2004 The Dream Police - Douglas Rushkoff on his thought-provoking graphic novel, Club Zero-G.
07/07/2004 Swinging High with a Master of Comic Arts! - A talk with Spider-Man's Mike Deodato, Jr.
06/23/2004 Wise Old Owly - Andy Runton on Owly
06/02/2004 Who's Yer Silly Daddy?! Joe Chiappetta on the definitive Silly Daddy collection
05/26/2004 Byron Preiss and Patrick Coyle on Komikwerks
05/19/2004 Colleen Doran on Scenes from the Small Press: Colleen Doran - The celebrated artist-writer talks about Scenes from the Small Press: Colleen Doran, the vagaries [and possible dangers] of being female in comics, and more.
05/12/2004 "Once upon a time in the big, bad city ..." - Frank Cammuso on Max Hamm, Fairy Tale Detective
05/05/2004 Fields of Gold - Why Comics Journalism Matters, both Now and Later
04/28/2004 We're Off to See the Lizard! - Mark Bode on The Lizard of Oz
04/21/2004 Hittin' the Habitrails - Gary Clair on Hamsterball ... and what it all has to do with Richard Gere
04/14/2004 [Not] Just Another Chick Flick - Rich Henn on Scenes from the Small Press: Colleen Doran
04/07/2004 Silver Tongued Devil - Johnny Ortiz on Silver Comics
03/31/2004 Lush Life - Dan Parsons on inking, Star Wars, and more
03/24/2004 Sisters are Doing It for Themselves - Mark Smylie talks about his fantasy warrior woman, Artesia, and her unfolding epic.
03/17/2004 Fox on the Run - Jonathan Myers on his all ages, reality-based epic Swamp Fox
03/10/2004 Sophomore Jump - Saul Colt on SSS Comics
03/03/2004 Tales of the City - Kevin Tinsley discusses the first installment of his urban fantasy series, Stonehaven: Milk Cartons & Dog Biscuits
02/25/2004 Deadly Beauty - Monte Moore on his Bloodlines
02/18/2004 Duck Tales - John Lustig on Writing Disney's Ducks
02/11/2004 Still on the Cutting Edge - David Spurlock on Vanguard Productions First Decade ... and Beyond
02/04/2004 [Gem]Stoning the Ducks - Steve Geppi on resurrecting the Disney Comics in the US market
01/28/2004 Queen of the World - Jimmy Gownley on Amelia Rules!
01/21/2004 He's a Rebel - Thom Zahler on creating Raider and life as a cartoonist
01/14/2004 Send Me an Angel - Jim Rugg and Brian Maruca discuss the origin and strange adventures of Street Angel
01/07/2004 Here there be ... Yets! Mike Bocianowski on Yets!
12/31/2003 The Good Fight - Charles Brownstein, the Director of the CBLDF, on the present and future of the Fund.
12/24/2003 Giving the Gift of Freedom... - Neil Gaiman talks about the importance and necessity of supporting the CBLDF.
12/17/2003 That's the Way He Does It! - Chris Reilly on Punch and Judy: A Grand Guignol.
12/10/2003 When the Storyteller's a Character - Neil Vokes, a very fine artist and storyteller, talks about The Black Forest.
12/03/2003 It's a Dog's Life - Jennie [and Jim!] Stryker on A Day in the Life. Two fledgling creators discuss their first published work.
11/26/2003 Her Gal Friday - Barb Lien-Cooper on Gun Street Girl.
11/19/2003 Tales of Brave Ulysses - Eric Shanower discusses his Eisner award-winning series Age of Bronze.
11/12/2003 Blaze of Glory - Director Lance Laspina on Frazetta: Painting with Fire. Imagine just how hard it would be to meet someone as highly esteemed and well regarded as Frank Frazetta? Now imagine for a moment that you wanted to do a documentary on the notoriously reclusive and camera-shy grandmaster's life and work, with his full cooperation...
11/05/2003 In the Raw - First time director Rich Henn discusses how Scenes from the Small Press: Mainstream Raw, a simple documentary on a small press publisher, became a trilogy that opens with a film filled with Mainstream figures.
10/29/2003 Zombies Ripped My Flesh! - Wesley Craig, the twisted mind behind Before Dawn talks about his horrible inspirations.
10/22/2003 More Fun, More Fund ... and More Freedom of Expression - John Gallagher, one of the primary movers behind the More Fund anthology, on the hows and whys of this incredible collection which benefits the CBLDF.
10/15/2003 Hammer Time - Mark Wheatley talks about collaborating with Mike Oeming on Hammer of the Gods.
10/08/2003 Double Headed Fun - Today's installment offers not one, but two interviews. First up is newcomer Steve Goldman, whose first offering to the comics market, Styx Taxi, offers a unique vision of life and life after death. The second interview focuses on the wonderfully twisted Frankenstein Mobster from veteran comics creator Mark Wheatley.
10/01/2003 Little Wing - Jane Irwin on her painted fantasy, Vögelein.
09/24/2003 John Jackson Miller: Double Agent - The editor behind many of Krause Publications' books, who also writes Crimson Dynamo and Iron Man for Marvel Comics, talks about his double life.
09/17/2003 Tapping the Power Cosmic - Tom Scioli talks about the power of legends and channeling "The King" to create his own epic, The Myth of 8 Opus.
09/10/2003 By The Demon Driven - Josh Dysart talks about landing his first mainstream series, The Demon: Driven Out, the differences between working on company owned and creator owned characters, and what's coming up next for him.
09/03/2003 Wild Women and Whiskey - Mark Ricketts on Whiskey Dickel, International Cowgirl. One of the most underrated talents in comics bellies up to the bar and slaps down a truly original and dangerously fun for everyone who's been thirsting for something that's new and decidedly different.
08/27/2003 A Picture's Worth... - Well, we all know the answer to that one. So what would 500-600 cost you? According to Buddy Scalera, it'll set you back a mere $10 for the Visual Reference for Comic Artists series of CD-ROMs
08/20/2003 Another Frightening Talent - This time out, a talk with Robb Bihun, the artist charged with visually recreating the film Edison's Frankenstein on paper.
08/13/2003 A Talent of Frightening Proportions - That man who's so gifted that it's scary, Chris Yambar, talks about his latest project, Edison's Frankenstein 1910.
08/06/2003 Out of the Blue - Myatt Murphy's still a relative newcomer to the scene, essentially having only self-published two series over the course of the past few years. Yet he's begun to garner some real notice across the field, drawing both critical accolades and attention from a growing legion of fans and professionals alike.

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